Discussion: Report: Sen. Walsh Considering Dropping Out After Plagiarism Scandal

Discussion for article #226007

That picture makes him look like Gohmert with hair and glasses…HMmmmmm

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If this is true and Schweitzer could somehow mount a run, I might get back just a little bit of the respect I lost for him. A little.


Looks like the race was tightening too.


He could be the fly in BHO’s and Hillary’s ointment too. He seems to like doing that.

Schweitzer could win…unless he is running for VP.

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What better way to run for VP than from the Senate?
(He’s never going to get picked for VP, anyway).


Schweitzer needs to cowboy up and run for Senate.

This is a winnable race if he’s in it, and it could be the tipping point for the Senate.

If he doesn’t run, we shouldn’t as a party nominate him to anything. Not even dogcatcher.


WORD! By the way, I checked and saw that they’ve already held the Democratic primary. Does anyone know how that would work if the general election candidate dropped out? Do they hold another primary or would the Democrat need to launch a write-in campaign?


This is a link about the candidate calendar for the elections for 2014. Walsh has until Aug. 11th to withdraw.


There is a deadline in Sept for write-in candidates to declare intention to run. Not sure how this works for the Dem. party naming someone to replace him.

By all indications, everything must take place no later than 85 days before the election.


Provision eight in this one might be what was mentioned in an earlier post.

Ask for forgiveness from the voters and vow to make amends to the school. Grovel if you have to, not sure whet the makeup of the voters there is but enter their living rooms via TV and ask them to forgive you and repent openly. Use this as a way to show your human foibles but also your decency. Go to a local or State fair and set up a dunk-tank for charity where for $100 donation to the Shriner’s Hospital anyone can send you into the drink. You deserve it after what you have done.

PS: All this is null and void if Schweitzer will get off his duff and run.

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Simple enough. It’s crunch time. Bring back Max.

Between Walsh and Tennant in West Virginia, that’s two easy pickups for Republicans. Two down and 4 to go.

I didn’t know he could still be replaced. Of course he needs to drop out.

Gee Hugh, we’re all seriously worried by your prognostication here. I mean when was the last time your got it right anyway?

Heck, I’ll bet you’re even wrong a good percentaget of the time when you select your gender on common forms like credit applications.