For those of you who are old enough to remember - I am starting to think McMaster is playing the role of Alexander Haig in this administration.
On the face of it this is a puzzling choice. When you Google Waddell and add the terms “misconduct” or “controversy” is doesn’t change the results, contributing no additional articles or information to the reader. How did this hire happen?
Reports that McMaster planned to bring on Waddell without White House approval were first surfaced last week by far-right blogger Mike Cernovich, a noted promoter of the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory.
Seriously, where the fuck are the adults?
Looks as if McMaster is trying to get his own house in order. McFarland was both incompetent to hold the job and had no contribution to make as McMaster’s deputy (other than adding noise)
Waddell must have just received Putin’s approval.
This raises lots of fun questions…
–If McFarland is to be ambassador to Singapore, where’s the nomination?
–Why should McF need to stay on to help Waddell transition into the role? No one else has gotten help in that way.
–Reince Priebus didn’t want Waddell as McMaster’s #2. Now that he’s lost that battle, what’s his job security status?
–Is anyone just a wee bit concerned about all the military types in senior positions–Kelly, Mattis, McM, Waddell, Pompeo?
“Ricky?” We are going to have a national security adviser named “Ricky?”
We are seeing the makings of a military coup.
Yeah, that’s a name calculated to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies.
Very concerned - I am waiting to see what military man he nominates to head the FBI
I, _____, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)
In the Democratic Party.
My impression is that McMaster’s is one of the few guys working under Trump to serve the country (i.e. work in the horrific cesspool to try to do his best to keep the country from being completely hosed).
My only recollection of Haig is when he tried to claim he was President after Reagan was shot (?)
What are you thinking?
It was widely thought at the time that Haig was working in the background to keep Nixon from following his more crazy impulses and he fostered that impression in his subsequent interviews. He was the guard at the palace gate when the king had finally gone completely crazy.
From Wikipedia
Haig served as White House Chief of Staff, while still retaining his Army commission, during the height of the Watergate affair from May 1973 until Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974. He took over the position from H.R. Haldeman, who resigned on April 30, 1973, while under pressure from Watergate prosecutors.
Haig has been largely credited with keeping the government running while President Nixon was preoccupied with Watergate,[1] and was essentially seen as the “acting president” during Nixon’s last few months in office.[15] During July and early August 1974, Haig also played an instrumental role in finally persuading Nixon to resign. Haig presented several pardon options to Ford a few days before Nixon eventually resigned. In this regard, in his 1999 book Shadow, author Bob Woodward describes Haig’s role as the point man between Nixon and Ford during the final days of Nixon’s presidency. According to Woodward, Haig played a major behind-the-scenes role in the delicate negotiations of the transfer of power from President Nixon to President Ford.[16] Indeed, about one month after taking office, Ford did pardon Nixon, resulting in much controversy.
I think you and I are coming to the same conclusion about McMaster.
Alexander Haig - crack military officer, crackpot civilian.
Ah, his service before Reagan, thanks!