Discussion: Report: Republican Party Accepted Large Donation From Steve Wynn In April

That ship sailed long ago.


OK- I apologize for the OT query, but where did you dig up that awful photograph of Steve Wynn? It’s actually frightening, like an early Terminator reject! Does he usually look so bad?

In the future, Presidential Medals of Freedom awarded by Donald Trump will have an asterisk, noting they should be considered as anti-matter versions of that award - in the majority of cases the people most likely to get one from trump are also the most likely to not deserve it.


It’s less about sex than power. If the woman is willing and getting compensated it looses some of the excitement. It’s about the thrill of forcing someone to do something they do not want. It’s about conquest and humiliation. It’s a wonderful surge of power to realize you can control someone. It gives you a boost of self worth to know you are above the rules and others get only such choices as you allow them.

One of those photos was Wayne Newton

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Trump is a well known sexual predator, so of course the GOP accepts money from Steve Wynn. There is no sense of shame or personal responsibility in today’s GOP. It’s a open patriarchy more interested in controlling the bodies of women by criminalizing abortion than espousing decent values.

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Always take the money! If it goes sour in the news, you gain purification points by giving it back. win - win, and Wynn.

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Jesus, you’d think somebody that rich could afford a plastic surgeon with better credentials than Dr. Nick.

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At least his face is one piece of plastic that won’t end up fouling a whale’s gut.


Well I’m accusing him of some of the worst plastic surgery I’ve ever seen.


So the GOP is betting everything on casino operators, both failed and corrupt?

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Melania’s isn’t looking real great either. How does she see anything with her eye lids pulled almost closed?

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They think THEY are fertility gods.

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She can adjust her ears forward and backwards, depending up on vision requirements.


Wynn looks like someone put a suit on a homo erectus figure in a Natural History Museum diorama.

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“If its a legitimate large donation…”. “Steve Wynn and the RNC has no way to shut it down”.

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Steve Wynn: “Hey I think I’ll get the worst plastic surgery in the world.”

Donatella Versace: “Hold my chardonnay.”

Speaking of remarkable resemblances to Sheldon the Shanda…


To be fair, even the “horribly anti-business, socialist” state of CA is at-will. True, we do have some statutes regarding employment discrimination and such, but if you don’t fall into one of those buckets, you’re at-will, baby!

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