Discussion: Report: Nevada Ranch Battle Spurs Radical Right

Discussion for article #224903

Clive (ted) Bundy, Eric 'the great" holder is a patient man. It would behoove you to keep your head down and maybe attempt to take out a loan to satisfy them back taxes. Timmy McVeigh sends his regard.


The cops will kick down your door in the middle of the nigh and put guns to your kid’s heads, maybe even throw a flash grenade into your baby’s crib thus blowing her head and chest wide open in the name of the Drug War…what they won’t do is go after these temper tantrum throwing white men. Says a lot about where our country is at and why we’re going down hard.


This should surprise no one. They think they won. But, when they get bored and go home, there will be a knock on the door and…

However, I cannot help but compare to how these guys were treated and the way police responded to the Occupy Movement.


The right wing is escalating the militia stuff because they want a Ruby Ridge or a Waco to stir up voters against Obama. They don’t really imagine their puny ‘firepower’ is anything against that of the National Guard or the US military. Or if they do, they are seriously stupid.

I have to say that on RawStory where they had a notice that the Sheriff of Bundy’s area said that Bundy had broken the law and had to pay, and I wrote, “Amazing that it’s headline news that the law should be obeyed,” I got the most hateful reply from someone not just defending Bundy but anyone who didn’t want to pay fees to the feds: because the feds were my ‘democrat government’ and thus illegitimate.


Occupy wasn’t armed to the teeth.

It’s easy to bully the unarmed.


Is this guy ever going to be brought to justice? Why do wingnuts get to steal a million dollars and get away with it? If this was a liberal, s/he would be in jail and/or have property confiscated.


Bundy’s been a deadbeat for decades. He didn’t pay the required fees to the Republican government either.


I’m kind of curious why the IRS hasn’t gone after him yet myself.


Freeloader Bundy and his band of knuckledraggers are under the impression they were victorious in their “standoff”, but the fact is, cooler heads on the part of the BLM agents prevailed.
Note to Bundy and any other extremists: Keep this shit up, you’ll get your gun battle.


Maybe you’ve been watching to much “Cops”.

Bad boys bad boys
whatcha gonna do?

It’s just a show.

'Occupy wasn’t armed to the teeth.

It’s easy to bully the unarmed.’

I think it has more to do with the political leanings of the sheriff’s department.

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Spurs the right. Bundy-Cowboy-Spurs, I get it.

This is exactly what I wanted. No shoot out for the gunnies to get even crazier about, no dead cops, no dead innocents. Just photographic proof of law breakers pointing guns at the authorities and nice quiet follow up arrests. We have to follow up, that’s all there is to it, or else we get wackos on round up for everything.

And I’m fairly anti-authority at least. I still know better than to pretend that I have the right to point a gun at the police. Or anyone for that matter.
Why Bundy isn’t doing time for tax evasion, I have no clue. If he was paying his debt to society as he damn well should be, we wouldn’t be having this issue.

Bundy’s lawyer took the 1.2 million to delay payment for 20 years.

Please esplain’?

“Bundy, whose ancestors settled in the area in the late 1800s” wasn’t that proven to be, you know, false?


So the Feds will just confiscate his ranch with their liens on the property when the Marlboro Man dies? How will his offspring survive without government handouts? Stage protests at the SS Disability Office?

Also, I’d like to restate that the fact I know who Cliven Bundy is enough to make me think about wiping my butt with a spork…thanks a lot TPM.

If they haven’t done anything by now, it’s not likely they ever will.

Perhaps the authorities feel it’s easier now to wait out this old man than make a big deal of it? The Bush Crime Family should have cracked down on him over a decade ago but instead appeased the Far Right during their tenure to keep the crazies out of the news.