Discussion: Report: NBC Universal Dumps Donald Trump Over Mexico 'Rapist' Remarks

Discussion for article #237992

cue right-wing whining about ‘free speech rights being oppressed’


Umm, even Fox stops employing their yahoos when they start running for President. What took NBC so long?


It’s not mentioned in the article, but NBC is the station that airs The Apprentice.

I know he’s a joke candidate, but has there ever been a presidential campaign kickoff speech that resulted in as much self-inflicted damage? It’s like if Gary Hart had announced his candidacy with Donna Rice sitting on his lap.


He might just not say the first think that comes in to his mind if it is going to cost him money. Don’t believe the billionaire mogul crap. it is obvious that his wealth is a sham. He is constantly in need of money. That is why he took on the Celebrity Apprentice show.


Shut up, Trump. You are FIRED.

Now I feel better.


I think Trump was dropped as an employee once he announced. The said he wouldn’t be hosting The Apprentice pretty quickly. The Miss Universe Pageant is a a show he owns that they agreed to carry. So he wasn’t an employee in any sense of the word.

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The article did mention that he was terminated from the Celebrity Apprentice. Words too long?

Reminds me a bit of when Marriott decided that they would no longer offer pay per view porn after selling it for about 15 years…

They made this decision right after pay per view porn became unprofitable. Because of the internet, not because of any morality.

Perhaps NBC is really ending a not profitable business relationship?


Porn, Trump’s words, not much difference

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Well, Its About Fucking Time!!.. and they could’ve done it much sooner and saved us all the incessant bullshit that propped this asshole up in the first place. The amount of garbage that flowed out of Rump’s piehole over the years, should have been their first clue. That schlock he’s called a show, should’ve been their second obvious clue.

Univision was the bold one if you want to be honest. NBC…not so much but most of us will take what we can get…albeit belated. The fact that they tolerated this racist fucking bigot for years while he mocked the President over a stupid birth certificate, among other idiotic shit, speaks to the craven nature and corporate mindset at NBC.


Guess he doesn’t have a fall-back if Presidentiary doesn’t work out.


Has the Litigious Narcissist in Chief threatened to sue yet?


Threaten he will…As far as following through on his threat…don’t count on it.


This is not a first amendment thing, Walter.

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Probably, but the is poisonous right now

Can America also break ties with Donald Trump?


…while aboard the “Monkey Business”


Haha…now Donald Dump is claiming it was a mutual agreement to part ways because he’s officially running for Prez. So now nobody can pin that whole “you’re fired” thingy on him. What a sick fuck.