Discussion: Report: ‘Morning Joe’ Hosts Try To Broker Ceasefire In War With Trump

were they supposed to kiss his ring or his ass?

was Joe waving a yellow flag of abject surrender?


Having never seen “Morning Joe”, all I can say is why have a ceasefire with Donnie? Keep it going.


Geez, these people are all so incredibly spineless


You can leave the “Church of the Ratings God” temporarily, but it’ll always draw you back to the fold in times of need.


Consider yourself lucky, Morning Joe is the worst program on MSNBC, and is best viewed when Joe, himself is not in the studio that day.


The blessings of never having cable, ever…


It’s Joe who has no spine, (nor any visible brain activity since 1999), and doesn’t want to lose his mult-million dollar contract with NBC. The other people who appear on his show actually have a brain and a spine.


Looks like someone is angling for a spot next to Hannity on the Drumpf Network…


Joes sucks. Mika not so much. And everybody else that shows up is all over MSNBC all day long, anyway. I could live with something like Mika in the Morning or some such.


I don’t have a TV at home but had one last week in my conference hotel room. I found Morning Joe to be blessedly fair, accurate and not make-me-want-to-vomit “balanced.” Most importantly, unlike the CNN and Fox morning shows, they were actually existing in and reflecting the real world.

Other than that Halperin thing – who as a guest was smugly sniffing down his nose at the “non-objective” theater around him – they were each expressing horror at the way Trump is getting away with his shit. It would be truly idiotic for them to give that up for falsity. But such apparently is the world of the networks – where not even winning a good audience can outweigh the bundle of misguided fetishes that have become a stand-in for “journalistic principle.”


Why bother? Trump will piss all over the media every chance he gets. And the ‘TV media’ are a bunch of spinless morons anyway trying out for a coveted spot on Entertainment Tonite or Dancing with the second tier stars.

“Thank you sir! May I have another?”


Sounds like appeasement to me.


Here’s a thought, and I know this will be a new one for them: how about they just do their jobs honestly and let the chips fall where they may. Crazy, right?


I watch MJ most mornings drinking my coffee and you’re right…they are fine. Joe is a jackass, Mika is a scold, the roundtable asks reasonable questions of the ‘guests’ and with the exception of Halperin don’t generally make me want to heave something at the TV. What ELSE could you want for morning TV?


The constant media dilemma: You can either tell the truth or be submisive to Donald. There is no middle ground. You’re either with the Donald or you’re against him. There is only one type of relationship in Donald’s world, Dominance - Subservience, and there are only two types of people in it, the dominant and the subservient.


Report: ‘Morning Joe’ Hosts Try To Broker Ceasefire In War With Trump
Report: ‘State Dept. Reps Try To Broker Ceasefire In Syrian Civil War

Only one of these is a reasonable use of language.


So Joe and Mika why bother? Once the election is over Trump will either be President (God forbid) and won’t call into your show because he’s POTUS, he’ll be committed to some sanitarium=no phone, or become a social, political, and humanitarian pirahia. What’s the gain in that?


Some morning this week, Joe will brandish a piece of paper and proclaim, “Peace in our time.”


I usually do not watch this show, but woke up around 2 am west coast time last night and could not get back to sleep. Turned on the TV and there was this show. I can say from watching it first hand that “the hosts” most certainly were not successful in reaching a cease fire with Trump. He must have spurned them because they were not praising him or even neutral – they were shredding him. And not in a jokey sort of way. I mean really shredding him.

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