Discussion: Report: Mnuchin Requested Use Of Government Jet For His Honeymoon

Rule of Thumb: never take economic or national security advice from a man who looks like he has to pull out his credit card every time he wants to have sex.

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Low-life skinflints like Mnuchin are always looking for a free handout. Apparently the hundreds of millions that he gained stealing people’s homes wasn’t enough for him.

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And Mrs Munchkin had a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge tantrum .

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The rich are different. They expect free stuff at every turn. Laws don’t apply. Borders don’t apply. Trump’s base loves this phenomenon because when they are oligarchs, they’ll get free stuff and sanctioned lawlessness too. They can’t wait.



VEDANTAM: This is HIDDEN BRAIN. I’m Shankar Vedantam. My guest today is a sociologist - Brooke Harrington. She spent years trying to understand the lives of people who are so wealthy that they’re able to circumvent the constraints of national laws and borders. In the course of her many interviews with wealth managers, Brooke talked to one professional in Switzerland who told her a revealing story.

HARRINGTON: So this wealth manager and her boss had been summoned to a country outside of Europe by a client who was sending a private plane for them. She showed up at the Zurich airport with her boss waiting for this plane. And she discovered that she’d left her passport back home in a different purse. And she said to her boss, I’ve got to go home and get my passport because we’re leaving Europe. And he said don’t worry about it. And she said again, no, they’re going to check my passport. They won’t let me leave Switzerland, much less enter another country. I’ve got to go home. And he said, no, really, don’t worry about it.

So she didn’t say anything further, figuring, you know, it would be his problem if she got refused the right to leave. Sure enough, the private plane pulls up. They get on it. Nobody checks a passport. It lands in this other country outside Europe. Nobody checks a passport. They get into the private car sent by the client. They’re taken to the client’s home. They have their meeting. Private car takes them back to the private plane. Private plane flies them back to Switzerland. They get off the plane and go home. At no point has anyone encountered passport control or a customs agent.

And this wealth manager’s comment was the lives of the richest people in the world are so different from those of the rest of us, it’s almost literally unimaginable. National borders are nothing to them. They might as well not exist. The laws are nothing to them. They might as well not exist. It’s potentially very, very dangerous. And I think she’s right about that.


Free stuff for the rich.


Looks like Government Teat Milk does a body good!


“Do you think the US govt paid for our honeymoon or personal travel?”
I guess we found out, didn’t we? This is what my first ex-husband used to call “letting your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass.”


LOL. I like the way you think!

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