Discussion: Report: Mnuchin Requested Use Of Government Jet For His Honeymoon

Somebody posted a picture of it on Twitter, noting that it was “unscathed. Probably only worth about $3 million in insurance money.” Sad.


This news explains her rage at being questioned / criticized for her Instagram post. As far as they are concerned, it was normal behaviour.
I am off to search for articles from conservatives raging about this. These would be the same people who raged at the fact that the Obama’s left at separate times for the annual vacation in Hawaii.


Just another cheap crook/member of the Trump Criminal Organization. No surprise here.

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Our tax dollars are paying for THIS?

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Can’t it be ribs? Those hurt like a Mnuchin! Casts are way too good for legs now, barely any itching.


God I hope that was snark. If not, there’s something seriously wrong with you.

Like trump he ditched her for a newer model.

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That’s funny. I said to my wife an hour ago that I might have been too dry and somebody would think I was serious :wink:

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Im planning to make a killing in Phrygian Caps

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That’s the problem with you libtards: Steven Mnuchin – a regular Joe if there ever was one – works his way up the old-fashioned way on the toughest street in New York (Wall), does all the right things to get a job at Goldman Sachs (through his father), risks everything he has to buy a bank (by borrowing money through his connections in the markets), and then works his butt off foreclosing on a few ne’er-do-well grannies who probably never had to risk losing it all like Steven did.

Then, you all give him grief for wanting to get a tiny bit of taxpayer help in enjoying his success? Shame on you for denying this well-earned reward for Ol’ Bootstraps!


And, like Tramp, he went with a blonde for wife #2. Louise ought to watch out - those 2nd marriages are very short.

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Oh dear lord, that is fucking hilarious! The chest hair and that most beautiful piece of believe me chocolate cake.

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These whiny wealthy people need to stop pointing out how much they pay (or claim to pay), because the amount doesn’t matter. They should pay til they feel the pinch, til they have to go without lots of things, like the majority of us do. It’s not like they’re making choices; they have zero money worries, no matter how much they (supposedly) pay. Queen Louise is comparing apples to gold-plated, diamond encrusted, saffron-infused oranges.

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Wow! Look at all that legroom!


Pfft. She’s just another Scots transported to the colonies…


Louise is well aware of it. Actually she kind of wants the marriage to be short, preferably ending with Mnuchin’s death.

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In spite of what Louise Linton would have us – her alleged inferiors – believe in her now classic Instagram rant if US taxpayers didn’t pay for her honeymoon it sure wasn’t for lack of trying!

And, yes, we’re all well aware that the garish wealth she flaunts so gleefully was extracted from widows and orphans in the most cruel and shameless manner imaginable.


"The operation of a government jet like the one Mnuchin requested could cost approximately $25,000 per hour."

Still less than the rate Trump paid for “room service” at the Ritz-Carlton Moscow.

It took less than 30 seconds…?


… whose son will eventually become another Worst. President. Ever.


Pigs at the trough. The loot of the United States Treasury is underway.

In understand that this crook also visited Fort Knox.