Discussion for article #234092
Is anyone surprised that Brian Williams is a namby pamby wuss?
NBC idiots strike again. Isikoff as a journalist runs circles around Williams.
But was Brian Williams there when it happened?
Good shot, Eustace: the more this thing goes on, the more the parallels emerge. Soon folks will refer to Brian O’Reilly and Bill Williams.
Really? A network anchor, of long standing, doesn’t want to report news that may be “divisive”? So, instead, the “happy news” pablum of local news programming will now be served to a national audience? What a disgrace.
No wonder the American public is so ill-informed and many turn to pseudo-science, Fox News, or conspiracy theories with respect to national and world events. Forget Brian Williams’ exaggerations, this revelation regarding his dismissal of important news because of its potential to be “divisive” is what should disqualify him from returning to NBC News.
The American public is being purposely made more ignorant by the deceitful actions of its politicians and its corporate media.
“He didn’t want to put stories on the air that would be divisive,” one source told Sherman.”
Yes Brian because the nightly news is about “Making a difference” and such touchy feely stories, More cat videos needed too
Who knew that Brian Williams was able to pick which stories that get aired?
Daughter’s grateful, however, for dad’s infomercial about the Peter Pan broadcast. Poor Brian, only gets $5M this year as NBC’s way of punishing him.
His title was Managing Editor as well as anchor so picking and choosing was probably within his job description.
Not me. I bailed a year ago to CBS for my evening news which was the best of all choices for me.
He didn’t want to put stories on the air that would be divisive
Exactly the opposite of BillO and what you’d expect from a man whose prior work experience consisted of running the teleprompter at a FOX affiliate.
The awful price paid for news placed in and managed by The Entertainment group.
That’s because Isikoff is actually a journalist; Brian Williams has never been anything more than a newsreader - why would anyone consider him a journalist? What are his qualifications?
Personally, my expectations regarding the ethics of newsreading are pretty low, so I find it hard to get worked up about Brian William’s “stories”.
Ya - I forgot about that little piece of nepotism . Wot a hack.
Had to laugh when the show tanked and got panned
I read that article in NY Magazine this weekend. NBC has all kinds of issues with their “personality driven” problems that go back long before the Brian Williams debacle. And it’s all kinds of crazy since Comcast took over too.
Their executive leadership and various producers are all fucking insecure back-stabbing, ankle-biting morons, pitching tons of meaningless bullshit due to ratings and ad revenues over personality squabbles and proposed new directions for their news shows, which began with the Today Show’s sagging ratings against ABC’s morning lineup.
In all that mess, the one thing they don’t ever seem to take into account is actually doing fearless reporting of the news. Talk about not wanting to upset the applecart. Its truly pathetic. Its a fun read if you’re into media driven personality Rorschach Tests. Other than that, its really not about anything that really is about improving the actual news division, beyond who they find to read the teleprompter.
Oreilly getting the massive public outing isn’t helping Williams any either. How can NBC ever put him back on he air knowing that he is a deceiver and claim any sort of integrity.
This next shoe to fall proves that Brian Williams shouldn’t have ever been there in the first place. Either that, or it proves that NBC wasn’t worthy of any respect that they were given and possibly both.
Yes, the Sharyl Atkisson-free CBS really is the best of the three. ABC is, no kidding, increasingly right-leaning in the way they report (and omit – literally one tepid sentence from the anchor on the House failure to pass Boehner’s DHS bill that made no mention of him or the GOP, only “Congress”). Pelley’s Evening News has been a pleasant surprise – occasionally infuriating, but generally solid.
Hey! I remember Bill Williams. He was a better actor than Brian.