Discussion: Report: Median Gender Pay Gap In WH Has More Than Tripled Under Trump

If I were a woman, you could not pay me enough to work in that godforsaken place.


Cutting the cost of Government - one woman’s salary at a time, or the entire bunch of 'em at once. No one, repeat no one has more respect for women than Trump. Winning!


Given Trump’s and his gang’s history of misogyny, this is surprising because . . .?


Just another day in Ivankastan…


Trump: I am very disappointed. Why do we have to pay women at all. They should be just happy to get a job. Only my family should get paid.


A key statistic - how much women and men got paid under Obama - was left out, so we can’t know how women’s pay now compared to women’s pay last year. Nice work.

I was in the supermarket today and an older woman was railing against Trump in feminist terms and what struck me was she was in no stereotypical way an obvious Democrat—if you had to guess, you’d have said she was quite possibly a Trump supporter. I won’t draw any Noonanesque conclusions from the one instance but we know what’ll happen if he loses the regular lower-middle working folks—he’s got a long, long way to fall.


Perry estimated in July 2016 that the pay gap between male and female staffers in Obama’s administration based on median salaries was 10.75 percent, less than a third of the pay gap under Trump.

I’m guessing that’s the pertinent part of the article you were looking for?

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No worries, y’all. Ivanka’s there to empower women to…something.


"The average (mean) salaries are $84,676 for women and $105,373 for men.”


There is not enough money in existence to make me want to work for that idiot.


Given how well the senior level staffers are all performing, most of them -male and female- shouldn’t be paid at all.


Certain male billionaires on the WH staff, I’ve read, accept a $20K salary. Wouldn’t this token salary moderate a gender pay difference that is actually even greater than reported for the real salaries?


Right now he’s losing the people who voted for him and the theory goes that the road to impeachment or resignation will be made easier because there will so few to defend and support him. Support for impeachment is higher than his approval rate. Our side could say “I told you so” but we won’t.


Playing golf almost non stop, flying around to his properties, holding campaign rallies to feel the love, eating, watching cable news and yelling at the TV, more eating, means trumPP is overpaid at $400K a year. Oh yeah, he’s going to return it the end of year.


Trump: Not my fault. Republican women are just dumb. But they are very white. There is a reason Melania had to copy speech of a black woman.

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[quote=“littlegirlblue, post:15, topic:58563”]
Support for impeachment is higher than his approval rate. Our side could say “I told you so” but we won’t.
[/quote]Oh, I don’t know. I’ll probably say this - at the appropriate time - a lot.


[quote=“mantan, post:14, topic:58563, full:true”]
Certain male billionaires on the WH staff, I’ve read, accept a $20K salary. Wouldn’t this token salary moderate a gender pay difference that is actually even greater than reported for the real salaries?
[/quote]I was going to say that Ivanka is working for $0.00 so that brings the women’s average and median down. But then, so is Jared the Boy Wonder. So, that’s a wash - along with being two perfect examples of merit-based pay.


Yeah, as soon as the accountants figure how to take the tax deduction and the lawyers concur.

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