Discussion: Report: McConnell Campaign Manager Faced Subpoenas Before Resigning

Discussion for article #227309

What part of he resigned because he was innocent do you people not understand.


I’m sure he just wants to spend more time with his family.

This one could be a lot of fun. If they simply follow the money…


If Kentuckyians don’t wake up and get rid of Mitch in November, they should be ashamed. To allow a corrupt sleaze like Mitch to win, and one who has been a do-nothing obstructionist is inexcusable.


Hasn’t Sorenson already pled guilty to taking a bribe from Ron Paul campaign to switch allegiance to Paul from Bachmann?

Is it possible that a majority of Kentuckyians care more about (somehow) sticking it to that Kenyan Muslim Usurper in the White House by voting against that Uppity Obama-loving Lady?

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That’s exactly what they did in Virginia in 2010 with Bob McDonnell, and they now have their first indicted and convicted governor in history. Some people refuse to learn.