Discussion: Report: McCarthy 'Hopes' Paul Ryan Runs For House Speaker

Discussion for article #241574

He’s even got theme music already written for him when he accepts the gavel!


Sure, He’s make a 'Fantastic house speaker but you know what McCarthy’s REAL reaction was. We even caught it on tape.


Ryan’s response.


Honest question. Are Boehner & McCarthy trying to torpedo any chance Ryan has by hugging him?


watch how quickly that cockroach went scurrying from the light.

That would be brilliantly Machiavellian if it was true.

Oh please. The next Speaker is nothing but the next human sacrifice the Teatrolls will make to the gods of racism, bigotry, religious fundamentalism, nativism and plutocracy. I wouldn’t be surprised if we witness the crucifixion before next summer.


Ryan doesn’t want it. None of 'em do.

Ha…perhaps…they probably actually like he guy and don’t want to see him destroyed by being foolish enough to get roped into this debacle. More likely, I think, is that they’re desperate and trying to fabricate the hero-savior image/narrative.


“Of course I thought I’d be an excellent speaker up until someone threatened to rat me out about my illicit relationship with what I like to call ‘Sugartits’”.


Lookin’ forward to it.

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ryan absolutely, positively, hard no does not want that job.
no one wants it. except for those loons chaffetz and webster…
boehner may be forced to stay… and he absolutely positively does not want it…

I’ll take it! Send me in, coach!

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Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho will take this job and lead the GOP to destiny!

(If Destiny is a strip club)

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They are extremely desperate right now, shown by the fact that names like Romney and yes, even Gingrich are being tossed out there (in fairness, Gingrich is the only tossing his name out there).

I almost feel sorry for Boehner. Poor guy, he can’t even quit and turn over the keys to these nihilists without it becoming a complete, embarrassing disaster.


I don’t think you are seeing any strategic thinking being played out today. They are in full desperation mode right now.

Which just goes to show how completely inept McCarthy is. How do you go from assuring everyone at 8AM in the morning that you got this, no problem to resigning from the race 4 hours later…and NOT have a back up plan ready?


Because someone threatened to talk about his banging whatsherface. And, oops, he wanted to spend more time with his family.

i’m just waiting for someone to suggest tom delay… lol

I hereby nominate Pootie Tang for Speaker of the House or Representatives!!