Discussion: Report: Little Evidence Of The Type Of Voter Fraud Targeted By ID Laws

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…er, I mean, the matter “needs more study” while the laws remain in place.


Just like there is little (if any) evidence that trans-gender people are a threat in public bathrooms.

You’d think the clueless dolts in the GOP would finally catch on…


Voter fraud DOES exist.
It happens when state legislatures intentionally erect barriers to prevent the political opposition from voting.

It’s another republican-created problem. Like ISIS. Or Trump.


Do all the studies you want; these people won’t believe you. The real purpose of “voter ID laws” is to prevent citizens from voting for the Democratic candidates, thereby ensuring the continued Republican stranglehold on local, state and Federal governments. It’s sickening and unAmerican. Throw the rascals out, by which I mean, STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS. They lie, cheat and steal to get what they want, all the while telling us the the real problems in this country are due to poor people and immigrants. It’s disgusting, and it has to stop.


Little Evidence Of The Type Of Voter Fraud Targeted By ID Laws

SEE! That means the vote cheaters are even sneakier than we thought.

Therefore, we must enact even stricter voter ID laws, conduct more voter roll purges, and do away with early voting!

It’s the only way to make sure.

Edit: Oh…and I almost forgot…we must also reduce the number of polling locations in the areas where we suspect the cheaters live.

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“Little Evidence Of The Type Of Voter Fraud Targeted By ID Laws”

This headline is misleading. To say there is little evidence implies a negative result–that investigators weren’t able to confirm the claims under consideration. In fact, there was very good evidence of that type of fraud at issue and that evidence showed there was very little of it. That’s a much stronger claim. In other words,the study shows, to paraphrase Rumsfeld, evidence of absence not absence of evidence.


The “fraud” is that blacks, Hispanics, and Democrats are voting!

Read the Constitution. Do you see any mention of blacks, Hispanics or Democrats being permitted to vote there? You do not, and if the Founding Fathers had intended for those groups to vote, they would have explicitly said so.

It’s fraud, I say. Fraud!

Little Evidence Of The Type Of Voter Fraud Targeted By ID Laws

Which just shows how good the fraudsters are at it. It is a basic principle of conspiracy theorizing that anything that tends to disprove the theory is part of the conspiracy.


In other news, water is wet. State legislators promise more laws to prevent this state of affairs.

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But what it really was about is that Charlotte NC took the Republicans battle cry of “Local control is the best control” at their word, not understanding that local control in Republican parlance is state control is best.

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Gee, really, who woulda thunk!

(Once again, I have to ask, HOW IS THIS NEWS???)

Facts? Facts?!! We don’t need facts, we’ve got feelings!

@old_curmudgeon: it’s news because it’s confirmation of what we’ve futilely been shouting since this nonsense started.

You aren’t assuming they were acting in good faith on either issue, are you?

What really pissed me off during the lead-up to the voter ID laws is that no one in the media asked a legislator to explain how in person voter fraud would actually work well enough to potentially swing an election. I sometimes think the media are blamed for things that are actually the fault of lazy viewers, but the media really dropped the ball on this one.

In NC, you walk up to a table where a poll worker has a book of all registered voters for the district. You give your name and address, and the poll worker checks it off in the book and gives you a ballot. If the name and address doesn’t match the book, you go to the side and work that out (provisional ballot, etc). If your name and address have already been checked off, you go to the side and work that out. In that case, maybe someone fraudulently used your name and address. To affect the outcome, that fraudster would have to stand in line and vote at least two times AND hope not to be recognized by one of the poll workers (again, strictly talking about in person voter fraud).

The closest margin for a federal election in decades is over 500 votes. How many different hats, mustaches and funny glasses would someone be able to wear and not be recognized by a poll worker? How many times will someone stand in a 30 minute line before there’s a real risk of being caught and having to pay a $500 fine per incident?


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I suppose it’s possible that there is someone (perhaps someone returning from a five-year tour in Antarctica) for whom this is news. But anyone who’s been paying attention for the past few years is well aware that the purpose of these voter ID laws is primarily voter suppression, particularly of blacks, as the recent court finding about the NC law clearly indicates. Sometimes the Republicans even get so overconfident that they admit it, saying that these laws will give them an electoral advantage. After all, every black person that they can keep from voting represents a 95% chance of suppressing a Democratic vote. It may not be news, but it is something that bears repeating at every opportunity.

“That analysis found that of 2,068 allegations of voter fraud only 10 cases involved voter impersonation.”

GOP - SEE!!! We TOLD you that people were voting up to TEN TIMES!!!


(Assuming stagy mock-Mexican accent) “Fact? Facts??? We don’ need no stinkin’ facts!”