Aaaaand there’s a new tweetstorm that just erupted. Despite some phony Fake News polling, the Trump base is bigger than ever! And that will never change!
I’ve been reading these stories for the last 36 hours or so about Kelly’s notable if modest success in getting Trump to stop acting so crazy and just shaking my head. You might as well try to persuade water to stop being so wet all the time. It’s a fool’s errand. HE’S CRAZY. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT FACT TO ABSORB.
Hard to believe that with 24/7 #Fake News on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYTIMES & WAPO, the Trump base is getting stronger!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2017
It is hard to believe. That much is true. See? Kelly is having an effect.
Let Trump be Trump!
I hope Kelly is ready for that 3AM phone call.
Yeah but free-range Trump is so much more expensive. I’ve never been convinced it was worth the extra cost.
All Trump needs is a little seasoning. A dash of black pepper, some oregano…
Trump IS Trump. That’s the basic problem.
Natural seasonings are so much better than that gauche a l’orange sauce.
Trump refers to his tweets as “getting the truth out”. I refer to them as “evidence supporting a 25th Amendment intervention.”
Guessing Trumpsters (and Trump) don’t recognize that line from a Fictional tv show about a Liberal, popular President Barlett.
I call it Article One, Section 8:
8.making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States and personnel of the Committee for the Re-election of the President, and that there was no involvement of such personnel in such misconduct: or
Funny, I associate it with “Let Poland be Poland”, a propaganda documentary produced by the Reagan administration:
Alternatively, there was the protest song “Żeby Polska była Polską”, but that’s less well known in the US.
For our friends in the central and western parts of the country, a weather report: It’s rainy in the mid-Atlantic region. Little Donnie can’t go out and play on his golfie course. So he’s restless and bored and cranky and he’s tweeting. Forecast: More tweets.
The media started running those stories the day he was appointed. Its their reflexive desire for the “pivot” combined with an inherent belief that the “system” will revert to normalcy. The evidence seems pretty thin to me so far.
No visible signs of rabies and he hasn’t skipped to Saudi Arabia = Trump must be growing into the job. Gore Vidal would have at least 2 more novels from this.
It’s the dirty little non-secret of the hacks and mediocrities who make up about 80 percent of the media industry: they tend to see what they expect to see. And ironically for people whose business is saying what’s new, the one thing that absolutely astonishes and flummoxes them is when anything happens that’s actually new.
Too late, General Kelly. Despite the media’s current adulation of you, you racist POS, you will never stop Trump’s Tweeting. People like Dem Rep. Ted Lieu and many others - including about 99.9999% of the people on this site - know how to get under Trump’s thin skin, and he cannot take an insult or a criticism or any slight in any way. He cannot even deal with reality. He is delusional. If he can’t Tweet, he’ll verbally explode in front of the cameras and that will look even worse. No better prime-time news video than that of a president calling someone a “motherfucker” on national TV, which is what Trump will end up doing. It is who he is. It is his nature. He is an entitled asshole. It is in his DNA. You may be a general, sir, but you are not a geneticist.
Oh! A week has gone by without Trump tweeting something colossally stupid, merely something stupid?
It must be because of of Kelly!..
Not because Trump has had periods of laying off of Twitter (usually after a staff shake up) just to explode with bigger and bigger loads of “Twitter Crazy” followed by someone getting fired and a new nail in the Russia Collusion Coffin being driven in.
Also, trying to say Trump had a good week last week because the tweets he put out were merely stupid, not plentiful and stupid, is really missing the important stuff that happened.
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