“Dishonorable”. Tell us something we don’t know.
Kelly just moved ahead of Pruitt to the twitter firing line.
Not only did he say it. It is being leaked out due to the book by Trump’s nemesis (well one of his may nemeses)
What in the hell are you still doing there, Kelly? You have constantly made these noises about how awful it all is and how shocked you are about Trump’s behavior and yet there you sit.
Kelly is an honorable soldier who is unsuited, by training, temperament, convictions, and communicative style, to be a Chief of Staff.
He is also an essential, though fatally flawed, check upon an even-more-unbridled DJT.
Thank you General Obvious.
Wonder if Kelly was on the toilet when he called Comey?
Kelly is a liar. And when video showed he was a liar, he basically doubled down and more or less asked…“Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?”
“Comey persuaded Kelly to stay in his role as Secretary of Homeland Security because Trump desperately needed people of character to guide and advise him.”
Comey thought Kelley might be able to go out and find some people of character somewhere?
Apparently since Kelley has no character.
Nice knowin’ ya John.
He can quit any time and should have when Comey was fired. Woulda,coulda, shoulda -it goes for the rest of the Cabinet as well. Anyone with an ounce of honor or pride or sense of patriotism should have walked out and gone on camera to state why. That spectacle when each member expressed their undying devotion to the Donald was grotesque. Mattis was the only person who did not.
I have nothing but contempt for Kelly.
Oh give me a fuckin break. The guy went to work for Donald Fucking TRUMP. Don’t give me that “honorable soldier” horseshit.
He’s a racist jackass and a fuckin idiot and has ALWAYS been pretty fucking far from being a “check” upon a fucktard like Trump. He IS a fucktard like Trump.
Wish people with stop that crap. Trying to place honorable intentions on these dishonorable people.
Like Comey. James Comey was a reliable Trump/Republican stooge who went to GREAT LENGTHS to assure the election of Donald Trump. The only thing he WASN’T willing to do for Trump was put himself in genuine legal jeopardy. That’s IT. And that’s exactly why he was fired.
He is NOT an “honorable man” with integrity and good intentions. He’s a fucking tool who deserved the unceremonious sacking that he got. All of them do. When Kelly is fired by Tweet, I am going to sit back and laugh my ass off and hope that the stink of Trump’s taint NEVER leaves his sallow fucking skin.
From the DB article…
Kelly, Comey recalls, said he was “sick” about the situation and “intended to quit” in protest. Kelly “said he didn’t want to work for dishonorable people,” referring specifically to President Donald Trump, who appeared to be upset at the FBI’s persistent investigation into his campaign’s possible collusion with Russian officials.
He said that, and I say LMAO…
Agreed on Comey. Just because I believe that firing Comey was obstruction and the reason given, bullshit, doesn’t make Comey any less of an asshole that deserved to be fired.
It’s like those movies/shows where you’re reduced to rooting for the corrupt cop who isn’t simultaneously a rapist or a serial killer.
And the trashing of Rep. Frederica Wilson. Where’d that come from and why? And the sanctity of women?
Certain characters in this ongoing drama, like Comey, are being invested with mythic status. Whether the myth is realistic or not, I do think it may resonate more fully with voters who are not as fully-informed as we’d prefer.
Can’t shame the shameless. And Kelly is becoming that way incrementally, it seems.
trumpp initially gave the reason for firing Comey as his treatment of HRC’s emails. He later admitted it was to get rid of a nuisance and somebody probing the Russian connection. He wasn’t fired for cause.