Discussion for article #231754
One flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest…
Well did/does John Bush have in his tax records evidence of illegally squirreling a ton of money offshore to dodge taxes then taking the amnesty deal like Romney did?
(wry grin)
Go ahead mr smarter bushed.
make sure to include all your financials shoved in many many countries around the world.
Bet you regret it once the questions start coming. lol lol
I wonder what @Josh thinks now about Bush’s “just too weird” presidential run now?
"Not Happening
At this stage in our history and his family’s history, I do not think Jeb Bush gets into the presidential race unless he’s a strong, strong favorite. 15% support for Jeb Bush if Romney doesn’t get in really doesn’t sound like it meets that test.
As I’ve been saying for months, I think he’s in. He’ll get some major passes by the eager-to-win base and get the nomination. I also believe he’s the toughest Republican in the field right now as far as a Hillary match.
CNN’s December polling shows Jeb at the top of the heap with 23%, Christie with 13%, and all the others in single digit preferences. On the Democratic side HRC is the candidate of choice by 63%. In any case Jeb can stop acting coy and lose the “exploring” stuff.
Here’s my go to reading when I begin to take Jeb’s candidacy seriously.
Jeb Bush would need to change his name. He might get the republican nomination, but many democrats will not vote for another Bush. Can you imagine the pain this country would face with another Bush economy.
Raises new questions as to what Romney was hiding.
Any Republican president will deliberately foment economic crises to threaten entitlements and funnel money to the top.
I’ve read that piece and don’t see much stopping him. Here’s why:
MJ makes several points about family:
1.“The shopaholic: Customs agents detained Bush’s wife, Columba, in 1999 at the Atlanta airport and fined her $4,100 for failing to declare the more than $19,000 in clothes and jewelry she’d purchased in Paris.”
Do we want to start dragging in family?
A blood sample was taken from Clinton on August 3, and on August 17, the FBI reported its conclusion that Clinton was the source of the semen on the dress “to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty.”
2. "The stalker: In 1994, Bush’s eldest son, George P., broke into his ex-girlfriend’s house. "
George P. Bush just was sworn in after winning a statewide office in Texas. This won’t stop JEB.
3. "The other son: In 2000, cops discovered Bush’s 16-year-old son “Jebby” boffing a 17-year-old girl in a car in a mall parking lot. "
A 16 year old and his girlfriend is going to stop JEB? What then will Hillary do with Bill?
“The [flight logs] clearly show that Clinton frequently flew with Epstein aboard his plane, then suddenly stopped – raising the suspicion that the friendship abruptly ended, perhaps because of events related to Epstein’s sexual abuse of children,” says a statement lodged by Ms Roberts’ lawyer in a civil case.
- 4.The black sheep brother: Volumes have been written about Jeb’s siblings, especially former president George W. Bush. But his brother Neil*
I’m sorry, but pardoning your own brother trumps this every day of the week:
" Mr Clinton also pardoned his own brother, Roger, who was convicted for cocaine possession in Arkansas "
Hillary also has trouble with her brothers:
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28— Former President Bill Clinton’s brother-in-law Tony Rodham helped obtain a presidential pardon for a Tennessee couple last March over the objections of the Justice Department, Mr. Rodham and lawyers involved in the pardon said today.
5.The fraudster: In 1986, Camilo Padreda, who had been a counterintelligence officer for Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in the 1950s, hired Bush to find tenants for office buildings financed with US Department of Housing and Urban Development-backed loans. Bush took the gig, despite the fact that four years earlier Padreda had been indicted for embezzling $500,000 from a Texas savings and loan. Those charges were dropped, but in 1989 Padreda pleaded guilty to defrauding HUD of millions. (Bush was not involved in that scam, and it’s unclear whether he was aware of the savings and loan indictment when he teamed up with Padreda.)
MJ realizes the weakness of the charge here. But let us consider the implications for Hillary:
Marc Rich, a fugitive who had fled the U.S. during his prosecution, was residing in Switzerland. Rich owed $48 million in taxes and was charged with 51 counts of tax fraud, was pardoned of tax evasion. He was required to pay a $1 million fine and waive any use of the pardon as a defense against any future civil charges that were filed against him in the same case. Critics complained that Denise Eisenberg Rich, his former wife, had made substantial donations to both the Clinton library and to Mrs. Clinton’s senate campaign. According to Paul Volcker’s independent investigation of Iraqi Oil-for-Food kickback schemes, Marc Rich was a middleman for several suspect Iraqi oil deals involving over 4 million barrels (640,000 m3) of oil.[23] Longtime Clinton supporters and Democratic leaders such as former President Jimmy Carter, James Carville and Terry McAuliffe, were all critical of the Clinton pardon. Carter said the pardons were “disgraceful.” WIKI
6.The international fugitive: In 1986, Miguel Recarey, who’d done 30 days in jail for income tax evasion in the 1970s, paid Bush $75,000 to help him find a new headquarters for his health care company. The company never moved, but while Bush’s father was serving as vice president, Bush lobbied the US Department of Health and Human Services to help Recarey access millions in Medicare funds. Bush also helped arrange for Recarey’s company to provide free medical care to the Nicaraguan contras. Recarey was later indicted for a massive Medicare fraud scheme but fled the country before trial. He is now an international fugitive.
<a href=http://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/Senator-Robert-Menendez-clinton-state-department-Ecuadorian-Isaias-Brothers-Visa-Estefania-285980841.html">Hillary helped a fugitive -who donated $105,000 to the Democrats- get a visa.
In 2012, after Menendez contacted Clinton’s office, the State Department recommended that the Department of Homeland Security approve the visa waiver – and it did, overruling the decision made by U.S. consular officials in Ecuador.
7. The bribery case: In 1988, Bush formed a company with GOP donor David Eller to market water pumps manufactured by Moving Water Industries, another Eller business, to foreign countries. The company used Bush’s White House ties to drum up business…The Justice Department later alleged in a 2002 civil suit that about $28 million of those loans were used to bribe a Nigerian official. Bush was not implicated
Hillary’s haunted past:
Federal and Congressional investigators have issued subpoenas for the documents since 1994, and the White House has said it did not have them. The originals disappeared from the Rose Law Firm, in which Mrs. Clinton was a partner, shortly before Mr. Clinton took office. … the records, which refer to Mrs. Clinton at various points as H.R.C., Hillary Clinton or H. Clinton, show she billed Madison for more than a dozen discussions with an Arkansas businessman, Seth Ward. Mr. Ward played a leading role in one of Madison’s largest losses, a $4 million land deal that regulators later criticized the Rose firm for helping structure. … the Rose billing records were discovered in the White House on Thursday night by Carolyn Huber, a White House aide and former office manager of the Rose firm. He also said Mrs. Clinton was not aware until today that the records had been in the White House. http://www.nytimes.com/1996/01/06/us/elusive-papers-of-law-firm-are-found-at-white-house.html
8.The fortunate son: Cuban American real estate developer Armando Codina was the Florida chair of George H.W. Bush’s unsuccessful 1980 bid for the GOP presidential nomination. He loved the Bush family so much that when Jeb first moved to Miami in the early 1980s, he made Bush a partner in his real estate company and gave him 40 percent of the profits—even though Jeb had no real estate experience or money to invest.
The fortunate wife:
Hillary Rodham Clinton was allowed to order 10 cattle futures contracts, normally a $12,000 investment, in her first commodity trade in 1978 although she had only $1,000 in her account at the time, according to trade records the White House released yesterday.
The computerized records of her trades, which the White House obtained from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, show for the first time how she was able to turn her initial investment into $6,300 overnight. In about 10 months of trading, she made nearly $100,000, relying heavily on advice from her friend James B. Blair, an experienced futures trader.
The new records also raise the possibility that some of her profits – as much as $40,000 – came from larger trades ordered by someone else and then shifted to her account Washington Post
9.The shady company: In 2007, Bush joined the board of InnoVida, a building materials-manufacturing startup founded by a businessman whose previous company had gone bankrupt under suspicious circumstances. Bush and his fellow board members subsequently failed to notice that InnoVida officials had used forged documents to fake solvency, hidden the company’s financial problems, and misappropriated $40 million.
See Rose Law Firm above…
10.The Big Finance fail: Bush signed on as a paid adviser to the financial giant Lehman Brothers in 2007, just as the firm was on the brink of collapse.
Kinda like the hundreds of thousands that Hillary makes giving speeches for Goldman Sachs.
11.The terrorist: In 1989, Bush successfully lobbied his father, who was then serving as president, for the release of Cuban terrorist Orlando Bosch,
There is Hillary’s role in the 2000 Pardon of the 17 Puerto Rican terrorists:
Was Bill Clinton’s offer of clemency to 16 convicted Puerto Rican terrorists a shameless attempt to curry favor with the 1.3 million Puerto Ricans of New York City, where wife Hillary is expected to run for Senate next year?
Hillary may also have heard something about the issue from clemency advocate Dennis Rivera, who happens to be the head of New York’s politically powerful health care workers’ union. Rivera was among the state leaders whom Hillary sought out in the earliest days of her Senate explorations. And Harold Ickes, Hillary’s top political strategist, is a longtime lobbyist for the Puerto Rican government and has made a pretty penny representing the commonwealth’s pro-statehood faction. He may never have spoken with anyone directly involved with lobbying for clemency, but how could he not be aware of the issue and its growing prominence among Puerto Ricans?
The above is from The New Republic, Oct 4, 1999 (available in full at New Republic’s archive.
Officials Criticize Clinton’s Pardon of an Ex-Terrorist NYTimes
12.The black vote: During his first failed campaign for governor in 1994, Bush was asked in a debate what he would do to help African Americans. “Probably nothing,”
The full quote:
“We have elected people year after year that say, ‘I’m going to do this for you,’” Bush replied. “Now it’s time to strive for a society where there is equality of opportunity, not equality of results. […] So I’m going to answer your question by saying, ‘Probably nothing.’ I think what we ought to do is to have a society where you go out and pursue your dreams and you’re not punished.”
If Bush and Clinton are the respective party’s nominees Jeb is going to clean Hillary’s clock.
I would hope that no Democrats would vote for him. But,with Democrats just a third of the electorate, it will stick take the ignorant “independents” to make the call. We’ve all seen how a “likeable” Bush fares with the "I’d-drink-a-beer-with-him crowd.
PRINCETON, NJ – Forty-two percent of Americans, on average, identified as political independents in 2013, the highest Gallup has measured since it began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago. Meanwhile, Republican identification fell to 25%, the lowest over that time span. At 31%, Democratic identification is unchanged from the last four years but down from 36% in 2008. Gallup
“Bush, who made a number of steps that point to him running for president
in 2016 (most recently creating a political action committee called
“Right To Rise”) is ready to release a large amount of of records
returning his tax return. . .”
Really? “of of records returning his returns?” And then, the other redundancies in the arrticle?
Who the hell is (not) editing this stuff?
“. They say he also hopes to create contrast with Hillary Clinton, who is the perceived frontrunner on the Democratic side in 2016 and whose husband has amassed wealth through the Clinton Foundation. Republicans plan to press the Clintons on financial disclosure of the nonprofit.”
Have these purported associates of Bush, and their lackeys, considered looking at Guidestar, the major clearinghouse of program and financial information on non-profits? They, or anybody else, would find records of the Clinton Foundation going back to 2008. E.g., the 2012 Form 990
Incidentally, it may be a source of wry amusement to look at how well the scamsters of a number of televangelists and revivalists reward themselves from the generosity of suckers. Just from Samaritan’s Purse, for example, Franklin Graham pays himself over $620K, much of it free of tax.
republicans have no shame. he’s will not reconsider. But the tea party is going to have a lot of fun with old Jeff.
What will be release to avoid his Bush problem?
Your analysis and possible debunking of Jeb’s problems as explained by MoJo are brilliant and probably highly plausible. He might very well be embraced by a portion of the electorate we are so far discounting, and his baggage less weighty than we’re being led to believe; but I have always believed and continue to that women from all over the political spectrum are aching, yearning, waiting, call it what you will, for a woman president. Warren’s not running, might not even get nominated, so HRC is left standing. Recent Gallup polling tell us 42% of people identify with Independents, Republican identification at 25% and Democratic identification at 31% (down from 36%), so we’ll probably see triangulating and maneuvering and all manner of recalibrating in order to capture these elusive factions.
My fears with this Bush go back to what happened with the first Bush. I watched as scandal after scandal washed off that simpleton. It was all possible because the family has some great damage control people.
Remember the G W Bush cocaine abuse story? Karl Rove used a classic Bush tactic called innoculation to diffuse and confuse the issue. Rove employed an ex-con who needed quick cash to right a book about GW and saw to it that he was fed some salacious information about GHB being arrested for using cocaine.
The book, Fortunate Son, was hastily published by Softskull Press - a one man operation ran by Sander Hicks. The book came out just as intense questions about Bush’s cocaine abuse came to light. But the real story was then eclipsed by the false story planted in J H Hatfield’s book. In the midst of the scandal the Bush camp cried out, “he’s a felon” and the whole story faded away, including the genuine questions about cocaine abuse. Hatfield killed himself within a year.
I knew about Hatfields work because he was also writing for Online Journal, where I had published a dozen or so articles. After Hatfield’s death Linda Starr, Online Journal’s assistant editor, had sent me emails from Hatfield discussing his meetings with Karl Rove.
Oddly enough, Linda was then involved in bringing Bill Burkett to write at the Online Journal. Burkett is the man who gave Dan Rather the infamous “killian documents” which ended Rather’s career.
I spoke with Burkett several times and was very suspicious of him. He had told me that he was in danger and that his house had been shot up because he had information about Bush’s guard service. When Burkett told me that he had received the documents from a woman who had called him and arranged a drop I knew that this was just too good to be true and told Burkett this. But Burkett was a wild-eyed believer and he passed the documents onto Mary Mapes at 60 minutes.
I also spoke with Mary Mapes, as I had been working with Jim Moore on his book “Bush’s War For Reelection” and had supplied the National Guards records used in the book. I told Mary Mapes my fears about Burkett’s sanity and that he had gotten the documents from an unknown source. I just could not believe it when they went ahead and used them on 60 Minutes.
Sure enough, POOF, the whole story about Bush’s Guard service became submerged in the tidal wave over these last few documents.
That’s how innoculation works. You plant a fake and discreditable story that when exposed shades out and obscures the larger true story. Its just one of many tricks the Bush’s have up their sleeves.