Discussion for article #232871
Its pretty simple really. Don’t fuck with our (stupid) politics and keep us out of your (stupid) politics.
Dermer needs to talk to Boehner about the mess. Boehner’s game playing set up the mess.
Doing Damage Control With House Dems
You mean House Jewish Dems, as the article clarifies.
If the Vatican’s Apostolic Nuncio deliberately inserted himself into partisan politics in the US, and then met with House Catholic Dems, I wouldn’t consider it damage control with House Dems and certainly not damage control with the United States.
The statement should say: “A former Republican operative should not be interfering with the foreign policy of the United States while in the employ of another nation. This speech should be postponed until after delicate negotiations are completed, and after the Israeli election is held.”
Don’t care who the POTUS is. Dis our Prez you dis all of us. You just lost a whole group of us!!!
Eat shit you momzer.
Walk out en masse.
Both Boehner and Dermer still want the speech to go on as scheduled; the “damage control” is over the optics of Congressional Jewish Democrats in open opposition.
You wanna do real damage control? Stop building houses for Israeli Jews in the West Bank. Withdraw to the 1948 borders.
A sure sign the blow back is hurting Bibi.
I also believe in the right of Israel to exist, but I don’t believe they have the right to insert themselves into our politics and especially not to insult our President. Israel has lost a lot of support in the US because of their administration and it’s heavy handed ways. The slow simmering resentment is going to do lasting damage to US-Israeli relations.
According to Politico, the Democrats told Dermer that they were unhappy about the speech and the difficult position it put them in, balancing their support for the Jewish state with the partisan concerns raised by the speech"
These are not “partisan concerns”. This is a foreign state inserting itself into our government’s activities. These House D’s need to put the history and protocols of American foreign policy first.
As a Jew, I am asking the Jewish House members: Are you going to stand with our President, or with Netanyahu? I will be watching, and I’m sure I won’t be alone.
You dis my President and I am ready to kick some ass especially some Jewish Ambassador ass
Well that’s interesting. The word “antisemitism” often appears in discussions of Israel. Can’t be can it? But perhaps we need a word like “anti-gentile” to pitch around.
Who is making this a Jewish thing now? God damn it! Every American…Jew, Christian whatever will suffer if we are drug into this pukes dream war with Iran and yet he chooses top speak with a small faction of those people?
Edit: For those not in the know: Jews make up 2.2 % of the American population. Given Mr. Dermer’s desires, hostile action against Iran, he might want to spend a minute or two talking to folks from the other 97.8 %. This isn’t about Jews. Its about the USA and Israel. If it is to become about Jews the USA should step out.
I said way back when this first came out, Bibi’s gonna cave or Boehner will, more likely some of each. There was just way too much time between when it came out and when it’s supposed to happen, for folks with direct and indirect interests not to try to fill it up with their own positions.
Sander Levin was once my attorney, long ago. I just called his office to urge him to boycott. I did the same with my own Congressman, and I think everybody should also do it.
Said like a real Yiddische kopf!
Dermer—a former Republican operative—worked hand in glove with Boehner to set up this deliberate insult to the President.
Count on it.
Reducing an entire country to a single man, especially one as dislikable as Benjamin Netanyahu, is extremely dangerous. The world had some experience with this concept in the 1940s.