Discussion: Report: ISIS Beheads Japanese Hostage

Discussion for article #232451

Islamic extremist are going to have so many people hate them, that there will be a massive purge of killing needed. the one thing I am interested in seeing, how tough will countries be on taking on the biggest terrorist shop of all - Saudi arabia




Human beings are capable of incredible kindness, love and caring.

We are also capable of the most extreme cruelty, hatred and disregard.

These ISIS vermin need to be dealt with swiftly. But don’t think that these actions are unique to any one culture, religion or region.


king abdullah’s legacy.

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The problem is, the more they turn people against Islam in general, the more isolated they make mainstream followers feel, the easier it is for them to recruit. We have to be careful to keep the two camps separate in the conversation (A distinction lost on our right-wing brethren).


To quote a title of a great read “God is not Great…How Religion Poisons Everything”. What god is up there smiling down on the actions of these radicals be they Islamic beheading innocents or Christians killing “abortionists”. It seems irrefutable that religion brings more harm to man than any other factor man has control over.

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It’s time for us to stop fooling around with these assholes.

By any method necessary (including nuclear weapons), we should kill every man, woman, child, cat, chicken, and dog associated with ISIS and then warn everybody else not to fuck with us or our allies.

To me, a perfect world would be one where every country and group not affiliated with us walks around with their heads down, afraid to make eye contact with us because of our reputation as the most brutal nation in the world.

Over time, I have realized that might does make right!

You need help.

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