Discussion: Report: Incoming NV GOP Speaker Wrote About 'Simple-Minded Darkies'

So he’s another moron.

A weird thing about racists is that they never know they’re racists. The idea that black Americans tend to vote for Democrats because guys like him run the GOP’s table is never going to cross his mind.

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I love it when they use this phrase to complain about gay marriage.


If whites deserve gratitude for ending slavery, then surely blacks deserve reparations for suffering it. I’m sure Rep. Hansen agrees.

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So in other words, he’s an absolutely typical, no-surprises-here, standard, middle-of-the-road, run-of-the-mill 2014 Republican.


What, no word on disabled people and their outlandish claims, on the lazy poor, on Asians crowding academia and on the Jews who dominate media and finance? I am a bit disappointed. He could have done much better.

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And I hope the people of Kansas get everything they asked for and more. They had a chance and they did not take it. I can’t stand Rick Scott and voted against him so at least I tried. I just hope he does not replicate the same results Kansas has.

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Might have been helpful if the Democrat running against him mentioned this prior to the election.

The right-wing has slowly, methodically built up its own mythology about history in order to support its erroneous and malevolent ideology. The latest manifestation is that somehow slavery was ended voluntarily by the largess of white Americans. (How this happened is quite a mystery, because the Civil War, according to these same revisionists, was fought over states’ rights, not over slavery.) This whole “giving blacks their freedom was the white dudes doing the right thing” ploy has captured quite a few trolls on this website. Someone should write a book about all the historical rewritings that have become necessary in order to believe in conservative philosophy.


“or perhaps it your Neanderthal pea sized brain and ape like fingers.” Yes, there’s no doubt that was the real point he was reaching for.

What a fuckwad!

Abraham Lincoln must be doing a facepalm as he spins at 78 rpms.

Dwight Eisenhower too.

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What’s the opposite of simple minded darkies?

Inbred racist encephalitic headed, corn nut teeth, teastool, goat boinking, goobers.


Has the Republican party lost all sense of self censoring and propriety? They are attracting and encouraging the worst kind of people and then encouraging them to act out every bad thought. Where does this come from?

“Mud people” is code for this guy being one of the White Aryan Resistance or other such racist skinhead groups. Nice going there, Nevada GOP.

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Revisionist history, one of the conservos’ strong points ever since no WMD were found in Iraq.

The single most sickening thing about this ignorant jack-o-napes is this:
This man has supporters who think he is 100% correct, and don’t (or won’t) see anything wrong about the way this man thinks or writes.
Many people feel that The Civil War ended April 9, 1865 between Grant and Lee.
Repulsive individuals like this are proof positive that the mindset remains, and that people who would “Lead” this country still live in a world of willful and self perpetuating ignorance and fear. I’m constantly asked why I believe so deeply that The Grumpy Old Party is America’s worst poison.
Individuals like this one, unfit to hold any public trust, prove my point far beyond hours of oral arguments.

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Wonder if he is a resident of the Bundy Ranch.

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Jealousy of a perceived relationship…the GOP wants to be the Master(race).

Lincoln wasn’t exactly all for the races living in harmony. He favored returning Blacks to Africa. That said, Eisenhower probably would be furious with what the GOP is today.