Folks like Ira Hansen, Bill Kristol, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, George Bush-Dick and Rick Santorum all really represent the cutting edge of today conservative intellectual thought and art. Much of the conservatives trickle down, vulture capitialism, non-regulation and pension stealing economic theories are completely bogus and totally disproven by the empirical findings. George Bush’s tax breaks and removal of regulations lead to the loss of millions of American jobs, tax cheating and pension theft by vulture capitalists, bogus derivatives, currency fixing, and the great depression of the 21st century. Sammy Brownback’s conservative experiment has been a disaster for Kansas. The place is a mess and nobody wants to invest or do business there.
The guy’s got one of those pervert beards, too. The reporters should keep digging.
Well, considering slavery is still alive and well in it’s horrific glory in our modern world, us whites deserve as much thanks as we get. The last time I picked up a history book, it also only took the greatest loss of human life our country has ever experienced to make slavery illegal within our own boundaries. Of course, that’s just white history, e.g. the sum history of the USA, since every other race didn’t really count.
and clergy/ministers/priests of one sort or another.
Feature. not a bug, for the GOP.
Outreach! It doesn’t get any better than this!
The real mind-bender is that one could dismiss the use of “simple-minded Darkies” as an attempt to attribute the mindset of someone who says something like that to Democrats if not for his own use of “Negros.”
Zero shock whatsoever that this dude exists and is proud of his inner hatred, none.
There is a tad bit of surprise that he is an elected official but then we get back to zero surprise that the Republicans elevated him to leadership status.
Nevada wants to attract Gays, in a totally platonic sense…that is, and yet this Neanderthal is put in charge. Something doesn’t jibe, unless, kawhammy-this guy is a closet NAMBLA member and self-loathing Gay Man with black boyfriends and Latina 'maids" that loves to troll for tourist tush.
Yeah, that’s it, this guy has more skeletons in his closet than he has actual closets.
A racist mind is always disturbing and to think they have positions of power. Oh! The hatred.
Why can’t they see we are all members of the human race.
The absolute height of fear and stupidity is judging someone as a lesser person because he doesn’t look like you.
Did anyone report on this stuff before the election, when there was time to do something about it? Not that it will break my heart to have a Republican speaker forced out in disgrace, but that’s merely a consolation prize after losing an election.
No, you don’t get credit for giving people back a basic right. That’s like saying that you should be grateful that I gave back some of the money I stole from you, because someone else might have kept all of it.
And as much as the people on the North deserved credit for fighting against the South (though they were fighting to preserve the Union and not free slaves), the people of the South deserve discredit for fighting to keep slaves; which really was their main goal. Because the reality is that “white people” didn’t free the slaves. Certain specific white people freed the slaves and fought for that cause, while many more were indifferent or wanted to keep the slaves. So “white people” don’t deserve the credit, since there was no single group of “white people” who agreed on what to do.
And honestly, my family was in Europe at this time, so I really have no part of this at all. And none of the people alive, including this guy, sacrificed anything to free the slaves. So we’re owed zero gratitude whatsoever, since we didn’t do it and you don’t get to take credit for something your ancestors did.
So the whole conversation is absurd. It isn’t about who deserves credit for restoring basic rights to black people. It’s about what’s still going on now that’s holding them back. And that includes racists like this guy, who think that black people should consider themselves lucky just to have basic rights, and doesn’t mind at all taking a few back. Like the right to vote. Or the right to a fair trial and proper legal representation. Or the 2nd or 5th amendment. And other basic rights that only white people are advanced enough to deserve. That’s the problem.
Racists come in all colors, genders, religions, and political parties. Fact.
Ballotboxing USA also has a very good compendium of Hansen’s background as a racist, bigot, misogynist and homophobe.
In the (G)rotesque (O)ld §ricks’ political party, Hansen is a standout:
Here is a start
A Republican racist legislator who has no respect for laws. Who would have thought!
Evidently, he’s also fond of calling people who are not Caucasian “mud people.” He’s argued that “women do not belong in the Army or Navy or Marine Corps.” He’s criticized the “sexual revolution” and the “women’s liberation movement” for encouraging women “to act foolishly.” And he also claims to have a strange obsession with gay child molesters. He once wrote that he’s “been keeping a rough tally on homosexual/heterosexual molesters as reported locally” and that this inquiry revealed that “and roughly half of all molestations involve homosexual men preying on boys.” Of course, as the Reno News Review wrote, “Hansen gave no details, nor did he publish his list, nor did he explain how he knew the sexuality of the alleged molesters.”
Still this is Nevada and Republicans…soooo, when incoming assembly members are sworn in, Republicans will enjoy a 25-17 majority over Democrats, all but ensuring that this human slug will preside over the chamber and giving a bird to anyone who objects. It’s a sad and very sick situation.
Still, he’s a poster boy for the depraved and disgusting RepubliKKKlan Party. THIS is what they’ve become…and their lemming low/no information ‘base’ cheer!
“conservative intellectual thought”? Really? Did you say that with a straight face, or are you just funning us?
But… but… but Hansen doesn’t look like me.
@Ric_Gerace: George Dick-Bush is the conservative’s modern day Picasso.
Stupid people have to learn these lessons every few years. Better in the wake of the 2014 election than in the wake of the 2016 election . . .