You would want to say UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE
Then you would remember this is the Republicans In 2018 in the age of Trump
and would say
Why of course
Again I have to say it—every day, literally every day, the Republicans become more nightmarishly insane. It’s a “Downfall” parody come to life, clumsily done and not at all funny.
And Russia will pay for it?
The GOP is getting like Oprah. YOU get a wall, and YOU get a wall and YOU get a wall. At least the Mexicans will foot the bill.
Let them build it. Then point to it every time Hair Furor talks about the need to build a wall - and say, done!
Especially since, according to WaPo, their numbers are rising.
Pretty sure a wall won’t keep them from talking unless they plan on locking them in with no phones ect.
Stupid, what’s preventing them from talking to each other at the local bar or for some in the bedroom?
Nunes is terrified. Has he claimed the title Senator Honey Dipper? He’s certainly up to his neck in this shit.
I didn’t know we allowed children to be elected to the House of Representatives.
BuilD thE waLL so No rapey LibTards can PunCh truE americaN patriots in thE eyeball.
Why don’t they just disband the House Intel Committee. It is turning into a partisan mess.
it’s early yet. Trump still has unfinished business.
Eustace FTW!
“When the GOP sends its staffers, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing dumbasses. They’re bringing conspiracies. They’re Trump-lickers. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Heard a small bit discussed about this rise on the Talking Politics podcast. If correct, this rise in poll numbers is typical at this point in an election cycle. They contend it’s brief and won’t be there in the fall. Fingers crossed and ready to vote in November.
I’m quite sure that at least for speaking out of their public face, the famous rising poll numbers give the Republicans at least a public hope things are “not so bad.” In private I don’t think they’re playing the bongo drums of joy just yet.
Good luck with this wall. like the one they want on the southern border, No matter how high they build it, someone will dig a hole to get to their secret sweetie on the other side…
Not according to several things I’ve read already this morning. hahaha “bongo drums of joy”