Discussion: Report: Government Believes There's A New Snowden Leaking Nat'l Security Docs

Discussion for article #226004

great so more idiot traitors. /eyeroll


This is why Libertarians are dangerous. Too stupid to understand why all information can’t - or shouldn’t - be free.


Never mind suing him, we should just impeach… oh. Wait. We didn’t get to vote for him, and we weren’t represented. A libertarian just did it because he wanted to. Like, if you think the traffic lights aren’t fair, you just sneak over and open up the box, and change it without asking everyone else. Then if you get caught you are a victim. If you don’t see that’s right and fair, you are a tool of the evil US government.


That is a perfect description/analogy!


Have they checked departures for Hong Kong?


I read Scahill’s article and it’s not clear how many of those people on either watch list are US citizens. It also doesn’t mention the europeans currently flocking to join ISIS in jihad in Iraq and Syria. That might explain at least some of the increase.


Government outsourcing to for-profit contractors – what a bargain!!


You know … if we had fewer secrets, there would be less to leak.


And Greenwald said in February that he had “no doubt there will be other sources inside the government who see extreme wrongdoing who are inspired by Edward Snowden.”

Nooooooooooooo, say it ain’t so! TPM on suicide watch!


Does he have a pole dancing girlfriend? Because if he does, you’ll be reading much more about that here at TPM. The revelations and their significance, not so much.


Couldn’t have put it better.

Right…because standing up for our 4th amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure is JUST LIKE tampering with traffic signals.

This has been another edition of “Ridiculous Analogies”.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


Clearly TPM should only post articles the way you want them to be posted. Maybe they should hire you to be their editor. Though if that happened, what would you have to complain about in the comments section?

I can sympathize with your complaint, it’s a common one on this website and every other website that publishes a lot of news but not ALL the news (and not the specific news that I care about at the exact moment that I care about and in the exact manner that I care about). However, that sort of criticism really only works if we pretend that TPM is the only source of news on the internet, or if we just ignore that TPM posts links to the original CNN and Intercept articles that provide more information about revelations and significance that you claim to care about.

You could always stop reading TPM if it bothers you this much. Or just wait a few hours for TPM to post more information. Or just check out one of thousands of other news sites online. Or just post another comment.

Probably the best way that we can focus attention on the revelations and their significance is to raise an issue about how TPM is dealing with the story… That will totally work!


As Americans and other world citizens proffer up their most intimate details to the internet, permitting companies to track their every move inside stores, etc. (some are buying a phone app that tracks them so their loved ones will be able to know precisely where they are and thus prevent them from lying, I guess) – of course they would take umbrage at ‘the gov’mint’ for doing this tracking to prevent terrorist attacks. Natürlich.


I’m sort of annoyed that the government’s gross incompetence at securing data hasn’t become a bigger scandal. People shouldn’t be at the tender mercies of outsourced contractors and low-ranking foot soldiers to distinguish which truths we can handle versus what might get people killed.


Oh please. TPM has been a virtual sewer of gossipy nothingness on the NSA issues from the very get-go.

If you can’t take people noting that, maybe you should be the one to refrain from coming here?

Just a thought.



First blâme goes to every delusional TPM-er, every American who lionized their GED philosopher savant, the Great Victim snowden

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Gov’t Thinks New Snowden Is Leaking"

Ya see what happens when they were too cheap to change the o-rings on the old one? Penny wise, and pound foolish, says I.