Discussion: Report: GOP Donor Hinted At Clinton Backing, Compared Trump To Hitler

More like the stark difference between a woman who tried to finance her own pipe dream and a spongey turdblossom leveraged to his ears just waiting for the establishment he so hates to give him a billion dollars…


Greg is running one of the most corrupt administrations ever in Texas and that’s saying a lot.

I think Greg could very well hang himself and the rest of his goons. I’m hoping - there are plenty of sane people left in Texas; the problem is that many tend to overlook the more egregious nuttiness that the governor and his squad are guilty of but the times are changing.

And we’re getting the SCOTUS back and then we can get some fresh eyes on that freak of an electoral map Tom Delay drew up for Texas and imposed on us.


Her newly discovered commitment to telling the truth might be a result of noticing not just that Trumpy is deranged, but that the old white rich men at this gathering are mainly concerned with…their reputations. Not the good of the country. And maybe noticing there are only 5 women in the room.


Meg’s gone Godwin already before the convention? What’s left?

Since Meg is still cleaning up the mess Carly’s left at HP, might she refer to Carly as Ilsa next?

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This brings up something that is pure speculation on my part but - I think women like Whitman, and many many others, didn’t realize they were going to get that feelings in the pits of their stomachs when a woman was finally nominated to run for the presidency.

It’s personal for women and I think GOP women will quietly follow their hearts and that feeling and vote for Hillary.


You’re NOT Thunderclap Newman. Have you ever actually LISTENED to his music?


Delete your own account, slacker, and don’t let the door hit you in the butt…

on second thought, I hope it does and knocks some sense into you.


It’s easy. Just go to your profile page and log out. Then go whine somewhere else.


The Dems should sponsor a gerrymander web page just so folks could see this reality, graphically. I’d start with San Antonio.


Thunderclap Newman was a “they” not a “him.”
The leader of the group was Speedy Kean.

I remember them from my misspent youth.

And FYI—you don’t get to decide who I am or am not, Snookums.


Anytime the sentence begins with ‘the nominee is a combination of Hitler and Mussolini’, just end it right there. Because suggesting support of that individual for any reason is insanity and harmful to this country.


Today The Onion is happy there is Bernie.


Whether or not Whitman actually goes through with her threat of actively supporting Hillary, I endorse and celebrate any and all signs of Republican discord. The less unified they are, the less effective they’ll be in organizing and getting out the vote.


Just like Clinton said to trumpet after another bizarre rant

Delete your account

@bluestatedon *her threat of actively supporting Hillary

That may not be a threat so much as simple acceptance or realization of the truth that their nominee shouldn’t be their nominee for all the reasons we’re talking about…


Or Austin. They drew a district in Austin that is one half block wide and runs almost to the Mexican border in the attempt to gerrymander Lloyd Doggett out of office.




I for one do not believe that it is a weakness to appeal to groups outside your core, as long as you are not doing it at the expense of your beliefs and core values. And Hillary is not from what I see. If she can truly grab a chunk of the small remaining sane ex-republicans it will truly be the final nail in the coffin of the zombie of the corpse that used to be the GOP.


I did not know that, interesting. Thanks for the info.

Ya, but Hitler was a draft dodger from the Austrian Army, and after being sent back to Austria for induction, failed a physical.

Just like Trump. But Trump is so stupid in his cons, he can’t even remember which foot he had the medical problem with.

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