Discussion: Report: GOP Donor Hinted At Clinton Backing, Compared Trump To Hitler

I think a lot of them would rather lose it than have to spend all their time trying to defend the indefensible.


Meg Whitman is an actual billionaire.


Watch the Dumpster pick her as VP ----

Little birdie will be singing an entirely different tune ! —

My faith in universe mastery has suffered…

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Hillary would look good in black fishscale armor. Can’t say the same for those hats with the dangling sides the Bernie Bros wear. Bernie’s antique samurai outfit looks great, but he’s still a disappointment. Not sure exactly who gets to be Edmure. Maybe O’Malley.

So true. That is why the GOP is going to get decimated in this election cycle. Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of worthless sycophants.


Spot on… I feel the same way. We are all different and I hate ideologues and their litmus tests for purity.


Why is it that I am animated more by the words “braying jackass” than the other goodstuff you sayin’ here? :laughing:


It’s also the politically smart choice. When Trump loses spectacularly, and the party goes about the business of rebuilding, the first people to get the boot will be those who supported Trump in any way. Those who can say unequivocally, “I never supported Trump” will inherit the party and the power because they’ll not carry the stain of Trump.


Actually my comment was snark, the Orange Peel never served.

Hard to say. Much easier to be rich if you screw all your vendors and don’t pay your bills.


I imagine some Republicans are hoping the GOP crashes this year so that some sane, moderate minds can then rebuild it.


Help me out. Is not paying your vendors or other bills considered spendthrift? To me that’s what we call a thief.


True. They are called moderate establishment republicans. The GOP needs a beating at the polls to bring them back in to vogue and away from the bomb throwing tea party nut jobs. Time will tell.


Trump is just the gift that keeps on giving. I know it’s a long slog to election day but I can’t help myself. I’m getting giddy about the prospects of a democratic party landslide this fall.


The “I’ll show them.” folk fail to realize the Nation and how it is run is the real issue here; not them as individuals. I’m going to stick my already fractured neck out and speak to my fellow Sanders supports.

We had a good run at the White House but our man’s chances are very close to nil. It looks to me like Hillary gets the Dem’s nod this time. Senator Sanders has however gained considerable power in the Senate, and can go on to fight for our cause more effectively. And with a President Clinton, and VP Warren, Senator Sanders will really be a vital element in the next 8 years. So Senator Sanders forced the Democratic Party back from the right of center position they wanted, and improved his ability to get things done in the Senate. It would be a huge mistake to throw our votes away on Gary Johnson, or much worse Trump. Neither of those candidates has the ability to help America continue to dig out of the last Republican administration’s bomb crater.

We got off our butts and became involved in the decision of how our Nation will proceed. I say we stay involved.


That has been my thought as well. Romney, of all folks, is leaning that way. He has said he won’t vote for “trickle down racism”. I really want to see a heavy brutal smack down vote against Trump. And I would be very happy if the effect trickles down the ticket to local races. I suppose trump will whine about how the Electoral College is rigged with a bunch of liberal professors (snicker). I would hope the GOP crashes for good and a wholly new party with a new name could be constructed.
A vote count of 527 to 11 would be appropriate. Those 11 are for Arizona’s vote in the College. My state is deeply red so I expect it to go for trump (sadly).


Very cool. This will be one of the most interesting elections in my lifetime. I really would like to see Hillary bring in some moderate Republicans with hopes that more will follow and help accomplish things with her leadership and collaboration. I am Pro Choice and I don’t know this woman’s position, but I have experienced Republican women for Choice groups that exist. There are some really great Republicans and Democrats that can work together and there are bad apples in both parties. I would love it if the Republicans like her shifted and evolved, listens to the people. She was courageous to speak out and made a lot of her fellow Republicans drop their jaws. But they should commit and do something.


That’s just how it’s supposed to work in a democracy.

After 8 years of nothing out of the GOP Congress except egregious bullshit and foot dragging and stupidity, I think the GOP is finally understanding that they can’t run a political party that seeks to govern in this manner and that either they have a real revolution and get back to being at least reasonable conservatives - by which I mean willing to talk to Democrats and work with them for the good of the country - or they’re completely dead in the water.


Well said. I am in a southern red state with some absolutely right wing nut leaders in Texas. I hope this election cleans out the cockroaches in the state once and for all. We had a fabulous Democrat, White, run from Houston for governor several years ago and he lost to Perry. It was so disappointing that stupidity won out. Same with this last election. Abbott is a horrible leader and let Donald Trump off the hook. I hope voters recognize them for supporting Trump and they are eventually dumped.