Discussion: Report: FL Employee Reprimanded For Referencing 'Climate Change'

The situation was even worse than this column states. This employee was suspended and informed that he had to have a doctor’s medical release (after evaluating his behavior) before returning to work. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/18/1371746/-FL-DEP-Employee-Suspended-and-Forced-to-Obtain-Medical-Release-for-Mentioning-Climate-Change?detail=facebook_sf


There is a very large glacier melting in the Antarctic. Big enough that if it does melt it will raise the world’s sea level an estimated 11 feet. This could get interesting.
I did not post a link because CNN has autoplay which I hate. But the story was on CNN yesterday.


Especially when those prior restraints on speech are originating from GOVERNMENT! The 1st amendment exists to prevent exactly this sort of action by government.


“DEP spokeswoman Lauren Engel said on Wednesday that DEP has “no such
policy banning the use of ‘climate change,’” according to the Palm Beach Post.”

Lauren may want to ask the Governor about his stance on the issue. I would think a bald faced lie such as this should be a cause for termination.


apparently “climate change” and “global warming” are equivalent to “there is a fire in the theater” to the idiots running the state of florida. sue them. then vote them out. ignorance, stupidity, and intolerance should not be the watchwords for florida.

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I don’t get it either. The employee who addressed climate change is not identified as belonging to any party per se, though the DEP is clearly a partisan operation under Gov. Scott if it went after this employee over expressing his views. So I’m not sure how Faux News figures into the equation. And really, FL is still considered a swing state even if they have gerrymandered a bunch of congressional districts. I wouldn’t call FL a red state, even if they did elect a jackass for governor.


Thanks for that link. Its really is worse as you say. Wow.

Being that Rupert Murdoch

As a direct question…Do you believe that this information will make a dent in

(a) the distracted

(b) the haters

                                      and, by inference

© the Republican Party

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Our most phallic state is going to wither away to nothing. It’s like looking in a Republican’s pants.

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Not surprising. Repukes beleive if they simply ignore facts, truth and scientific evidence that opposes their doctrinaire and stupid party lines they simply have only to place their fingers in their ears…and start shouting, "Nah, nah, nah…can’t hear you! 
Nah, nah, nah…can’t hear you! 
Nah, nah, nah…can’t hear you! 
Nah, nah, nah…can’t hear you! 
…and then the truth and all facts magically go away. It’s a prescription for disaster, but, as they’ve shown ad nauseum, they don’t care.

The “Big Book of Republican Science” (Required reading at FOX )
(Foreword by Prof. GlennDUH’ Beck from Beck University):
(1) 'The Earth is 6000 Years Old and is Actually Flat!
(2) ‘Dinosaurs Were on Noah’s Ark’ and Jesus rode a T-Rex into Jerusalem!
(3) ‘Global Cooling is Accelerating’!
(4) ‘Women Shut Down Rape Pregnancies!’
(5) ‘Dr. Vinnie Boom Bah shows conclusively Climate Change is a vast lib conspiracy
of 99.9% of all climate scientists and Obama…and run right out of the White House.
(7) ‘New Research by BU Prof. Franklin Graham indicates the Earth revolves around the sun.’
(8) ‘Prof Michele Bachmann Proves Extreme Weather is caused by Gay Marriage.’
(9) ‘Prayer is the Only True Science.’
(10) ‘If We Use the Democrats and Libs’ Science and Create a Better World, It Will All Be for Nothing.’

*The Earth to Republicans: “YOU are the real weapons of Mass Destruction.”


Voldemort, our halfwit governor and the halfwit legislature that supports him consistently amaze me with their collective stupidity.

Reprimanded? That’s unpossible! Gov. Luthor even said so!

Of course that melting glacier will be ignored. I mean…it’s only water after all. What harm can water do? Plus it’s thousands of miles away. How could it possibly affect sea levels?

GOP folk will say “I’m no scientist” and they are correct. They don’t get that a ten foot rise in sea level takes out their retirement community in Florida. Water does not compress like air does. Add water somewhere and sea level WILL rise everywhere. It ain’t rocket science.
So in answer to your question no amount of fact will make a dent until they see the water rise for themselves. Then it will be too late to do anything about it. It’s likely too late now. I’m cool though. I have my “Ocean front property in Arizona”. :smile: