Once they identify him it will probably be easy to assess his politics through his social media posts. My guess is that he won’t be a leftist who tried to divert us with false flags, but I could be wrong.
May have avoided charges of conduct prejudicial to the accused later at trial.
“Mr. Fatass is a life-long Independent who never showed any signs of instability”
FOX will report it as a CNN van.
Gonna be interesting to see Drumpf distance himself from that.
he was just the Van boy…
An upright citizen at the tail end of his career upended by the socialist policies of the communist mayor and governor of NY moves to Florida and finds that even the South has been taken over by wetbacks and Middle Eastern terrorists due to the policies of Obama that encouraged foreigners to flood our country.
What did you expect?
Not that I doubt you, and not that you need to provide a link, but can you name your source on this?
Uh, just scroll up a bit.
Absolutely, because the idea that Trumpian rhetoric pushed this guy to do this is fairly compelling, and it’s a trap Trump is far too dumb to evade.
Obviously a libtard put those on the van to throw us all off!
Isn’t the protocol to give it to a favorite charity? Oh, wait.
Not surprising. The FBI has been a tool of the right wing since its inception.
ding ding ding
I don’t know if the timing of Trump’s “bomb” tweet so close to the FBI arresting a suspect suggests that he wasn’t being updated by DOJ, or that he was up to speed and was trying to detract from the coming announcement, but either way it’s quite disturbing.
They are showing zoomed in shots of it on MSNBC. It’s fuzzy…but pretty obvious what it is. The orange glow gives it away.
I expect it’ll be the standard right wing answer – “You snowflakes just can’t take a joke. How could anyone think I meant it when I declared journalists enemies of the state?”
FOX News is showing an “artist’s conception” of the van:
This bears repeating:
“Support the Southern Poverty Law Center if you can, people.”
Is not Dump suppose to have some public event shortly???
MSNBC is showing a fuzzy close-up of the van before it was covered.
There’s one large circular sticker with a photo of trump, with a blue border containing (blurry) wording. There’s also at least one US flag.
Yeah, I jumped the gun, but the later comments were still loading when I asked.
What’s the protocol here? Flag my original reply for deletion?