Hmmmm. What tea-leaves can we read into this?
A question of trust and motives? Tea pot is leaky?
I would guess that there is a conflict of interest that might be a problem later on. Or there can be personal issues, this is the equivalent of taking a Homicide Detective and putting him on parking ticket patrol.
Maybe he’s getting more money to look for those missing HRC emails???
He’s now working in HR!? I suspect he had a personal conflict of interest and was asked to leave?
If they found out he was one of the ones whose threats to leak provoked the Comey Coup, that would cause them to bench him.
But that’s just speculation, of course. Could just as easily be he’s being sent to HR to investigate leaks.
On a more optimistic note…
Maybe the counter intelligence portion of the investigation is wrapping up.
Countdown to hearings by the honorable Trey Gowdy (R- Benghazistan): 5…4…3…2…
Woah. Sounds like he really did something to piss off Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, or both. You don’t get reassigned from the counter-espionage desk to HR w/o having really fucked up badly.
he was caught ‘leaking’ info to TRUMPf supporters?
Yeah, that was my first thought, too. Being reassigned to HR is equivalent to being sentenced to community service picking up litter on the side of the highway.
Not to disparage HR professionals in any way…
Faux News claiming that the investigation is falling apart and speculating that this guy left because it was a witchhunt or because he was railroaded because he was not anti=-Trump enough (citing his involvement in investigating HRC) in 3…2…1…
Oh wait…nope…they’ve done us one better and ressurected Flight MH370 as a giant flying squirrel:
Yes…THAT is their very top story right now hahahahahaha
Well, in all fairness, now that CNN seems to have moved on to actual news, someone needs to keep tabs on that plane wreckage!
Yeah, something weird here…
When they move you to Personnel, you have fucked up bad.
So Trump’s spy inside Mueller’s team gets sniffed out. Sessions and Trump are now fully recused…and very worried.
Aaaaaaah, I can’t keep up…it’s so very hard to process so much derp at once. I just saw some woman on Faux News suggest that maybe what needs to be done is have statues of MLK next to statues of Robert E. Lee…
is working in the FBI’s human resources division
Somebody was punished for leaking.
Peter Strzok, previously the head of the FBI’s counterespionage section, left Mueller’s team and is working in the FBI’s human resources division…
WTF happened here!?!