Discussion for article #223387
The EPA proposes, the Congress disposes…
"EPA will release its proposed carbon pollution reduction rule on Monday," Reynolds told the Journal.
The Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers will email their talking points Sunday night.
And it will be the usual nonsense. “These regulations are job-killers, and will cripple the U.S. economy.” That, of course, has been disproven by all the environmental regulations that have come before. Each time, the RWNJ’s have screamed about how these regs would destroy our way of life. And each time, complying with the regs has actually created jobs, and made the economy stronger.
Beyond the next few fiscal quarters, compliance usually accrues to the benefit of the industries affected. They end up being more efficient and more productive, since the regs force them to stop looking only at the next quarter’s bottom line, and invest in newer, better equipment. The payoff has a slightly longer horizon, but one measured in years, not decades.
Praise The Lord!
That’s a good starting point. Could be better though. It’s about time we started doing something to get back the decade+ we lost thanks to Junior and his Dick Cheney.
If Dems came out in favor of kittens and puppies, the rightwing nutjobs would come out in favor of mass euthanasia of those tiny helpless creatures.
Pretending to love your country for these rightwing nutjobs doesn’t include real conservation of the environment. Oh, how they love to live in the freedom-loving wilds of the countryside, listening to the birds chirp, the flowers bloom, and the wide open skies…just don’t tell them they have to maintain that beautiful fauna and flora, keep the rivers, lakes and estuaries clean, and keep the air free of toxins for their beloved children and grandchildren or generations to come…it’ll kill those jobs!!! Conservative my ass! Now there’s your oxymoron.
30% cut per capita? 30% cut from today’s levels?
And this will go exactly noplace very fast, like every other good idea that Obama has, because the Grumpy Old Party will continue to sabotage this administration in every way they can. That is until members of the GOP think that there is someone of the right skin color in the Oval Office. Every member of the GOP has betrayed the oath they took before assuming their seats in Congress. Yet, most will be re-elected in 2014 and 2016. There simply comes a point where the truth is so obvious, that if the American People accept this, and do not change it, One must assume that they endorse this circus, and the awful things it says about what is supposed to be a free country.
Meanwhile, Earth is melting, and when the nice tourists in Florida have to put on swim fins and a mask to get Mickey’s autograph because Orlando is under a foot of water, who is it that history will blame? Here’s a hint: It won’t be Obama. it’s yet another case of America shooting herself square in the foot, while Americans who know better just keep passing the ammunition.
This doesn’t even have to pass through congress, does it?