Discussion: Report: DoJ Going To Bring Corruption Charges Against Sen. Menendez

Discussion for article #234048

How about we file charges against Speaker Boehner and Justice Thomas? Boehner’s incredibly corrupt and we’ve got quite a bit of evidence about that AND so is Thomas.


What? Bribes don’t count as ‘free speech’?


If only that donor had started a PAC, like the Koch brothers. That way the bribery is totally legal.

But given Menendez’s eagerness to side with the GOP on Cuba and Iraq, I wouldn’t be devastated to see him go if he is convicted.


There’s no glee in seeing a Democratic being charged with crimes, but maybe the Senator will now concentrate on his defense and drop his criticisms of the president’s goal of loosening trade with Cuba.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer warmonger.


Are all NJ poiticos corrupt? Christie, Corzine, Menendez. Waiting for the other shoe to drop with Booker.


Booker is shoulder-deep up Wall Street’s ass. One day, chickens, they come home to roost.


Maybe we can get a trifecta - Christie (counts as two ) and Menendez.

They oughta post a sign at the borders into NJ - closed on account of corruption.


This will have the RWNJs so confused they won’t know whether to scratch their watch or wind their butt.

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Ther fun part will be watching the GOP/Teatrolls try to come up with talking points to use this to damage the Dems with the Hispanic community…something something Obama going after prominent Hispanic leaders who disagree with him something something do the Dems really support the Latino community the way they say they do or are you just voting cattle to them?


Driving west into my home state of Pennsyltucky, the sign used to read “America Starts Here.”

I always wondered why going the other way the sign didn’t say “America Ends Here.” Still, I miss New Jersey and the great people I grew to love there during the best years of my life…

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Menendez isn’t Hispanic, he’s Cuban

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This is not a facetious question: educate me on why Cubans fall outside that penumbra.

I thought the census included them, but perhaps that’s not the most accurate thing to rely on and is just shorthand for census purposes.

Actually, yes. I lived in Philadelphia in the 70s and the guessing game was which prison would any given mayor, or other official end up in. I believe that Camden had a 100% rate of having convicted felons for ex-mayors.

You can see by how Christie operates with a sense of perfect impunity from the law. This so-called ‘settlement’ with Exxon, which was fined $8 billion for polluting the state that Christie “negotiated” down to $260,000,000 – well, I’m sure Exxon found some loose change to offer him in return.

Compare the incomparable Barack Obama, who got BP to put up $20 billion for restoring the damage to the Gulf…and made them actually pay up.


From my grade school music class (nothing derogatory intended, it’s just something I remember):

The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria
Were sailing vessels three
They hoisted their sails in the harbor of Palos
To cross the Western sea
Columbus was their captain bold
His men a salty crew
Their voyage old a story told
In fourteen ninety two

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Cubans are considered hispanic.

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Hmmm…I have read and heard and have friends who have confirmed that there is a lot of tension between cubans and other hispanics, partly because alot of the wealthy cuban plutocrats who fled cuba to amurika look down on other hispanics. Was that what was being referred to? That maybe other hispanics don’t include cubans when they think about who belongs in the club (or the other way around)?


Prediction- very soon the reactionary right wing and war/chicken hawks will be saying that this is payback from the administration for Menedez’s opposition to Obama’s Iran and Cuban policies.


Kinda like white American plutocrats looking down on what they call “white trash” I suppose. Sad.

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