While Democrats were not invited by the White House to attend a classified briefing between two Republican committee chairs and top intelligence and law enforcement officials on Thursday, they will be invited to to attend a similar planned meeting in the future, ABC News first reported Wednesday.
They will be invited? To a similar meeting? Why would this be remotely acceptable? They have a right to be present at this meeting. Another–possible–meeting is another subject.
I have an idea. The Democrats should invite Mueller to brief them in private about what he’s got. Then they should invite Republicans to a later meeting they have planned at which Mueller will not be present but maybe a balloon artist will be.
In other news: Rep Black from TN proposes bill calling for setting up a crowdfunding mechanism for The Wall.
Now that’s a Republican effort I can support 110%! Knock yourselves out! I’m sure that will get The Wall built So Much Faster! And you can all put your money where your mouthes have been!
Make it the last line on Form 1040 before the payment/refund is figured. Enter amount here you want to contribute!
Ezra Cohen Watnick was hired by the DOJ to be a non-lawyer National Security Advisor of some sort. Given his background in the Nunes Midnight Run to the White House, my bet is he and O’Callaghan are on a mission similar to the inappropriately called “truth squad” sent to Alaska, another stonewalling mission. In Alaska O’Callaghan successfully kept Sara Palin’s emails from being released until about a month after the Presidential Election. As I recall, her emails included over a thousand which she had sent over a Yahoo email account in order to try to evade FOIA and government transparency regulations.
I saw it as this: Gowdy does not have high enough clearance, so Rosenstein (and Wray) will have to punt on certain things, But the purpose of this obstruction is so that fuckface Nunes can promptly tell fuckface scumbag that Rosenstein is deliberately holding back stuff, so he should be fired.
“make the U.S. taste an appalling tragedy it has neither experienced nor even imagined"
We have mass shootings every single day and don’t really give a shit about appalling tragedies we had never experienced or imagined, Sandy Hook comes to mind. But go ahead, try to top our own selfishness, paranoia and stupidity.
Obviously this is reprehensible… but it also seems to be falling well short of it’s intended goals, which as always is to keep the base and fool the moderates. I’m not even sure these actions play all that well with the base. let alone moderates - they scream “I’m desperate!”. This hasn’t been a good week in Trumplandia.
The Real Meeting will be where John Kelly sits on the side, smiling, while Trey Gowdy and Devin Nunes browbeat Wray into giving up as much confidential information as they can intimidate him into. DNI Director Coats will sit there, quietly wringing his hands, but totally on board as he has been throughout this President’s attempts to use its power to shut down any investigation and refuse to be accountable to the American People. To top it off, Ed O’Callaghan will use the information he and Ezra Cohen Watnick have ferreted out in their jobs as part of the “National Security” division of the DOJ.
In the Second Meeting, John Kelly and the invited GOP members will ensure that Director Wray does not communicate the tone of the First Meeting to the Democratic Members, or any of the areas in which Nunes and O’Callaghan attempted to obtain information that could damage the Mueller Investigation.
This Administration is corrupt to the core. John Kelly is an enabler of that corruption.
Bipartisan my ass. They just brought them in as a front to cover up their unconstitutional grab for data. I want to crush these mofos…and I do not want us to be equally as bad when we take control back…
This would never happen without his being drumpf daughters husband…kushner is not off the hook… This is Mueller giving dotard false hope…It was decision made by the wh idiots.
Why 2 meetings…? Because the rethugs will not get the jest of the perils in the collusion but Pelosi and schiff certainly will and thier responses would clarify the dire consequences for the rethugs…this way the briefers will see how stupid and partisan the rethugs are and proceed accordingly.
Minority leadership can only do what they can do in the face of an intransigent opposition party. To mock them is to punish them for losing an election that was handed to trump.
Gowdy at one point had a more comprehensive clearance than Nunes. I think I recall whatever cloud was over Nunes’ clearance was resolved, not sure how precisely or if in fact it was.
Duh. Like anyone except the profoundly gullible, naive, and ignorant Trumpster lemmings already knew, another of Delusional Donny’s documented, dated, and proven historically unprecedented over 3,000 lies. Preposterous “Spy Gate” turned into “Lie Gate” but unfortunately an unforgivable obstruction of justice was required to reveled it now.