He neither cackled nor bleated, but do tell what he or any minority party leader can be expected to do in the face of WH and R House members’ intransigence and determination to cover up trump’s possible crimes.
If it were the Dems, It would be a Bernie Sanders fundraiser with bad weed and cheap beer.
Well, cocaine is about the only thing that’s been missing from the Trump Scandal Bingo card.
I’m recording Maddow right now so I’m going to listen to what she and Schiff are talking about. Schiff has a calming effect me. Maddow, not always. But I can log off knowing our republic will still be in place in the morning despite the predictions of its imminent demise on account of minority leaders not being more insistent or not making more strident demans.
The Hill is reporting that the meeting tomorrow will not have the gang of eight, the meeting with the gang of eight is after the memorial day recesses. So. what is the point when the meeting tomorrow information will be released to the President and then if they can interpret it to benefit the President.
It is a blatant politicization of the investigation . This is not Congress getting briefed, this is the Republican “leadership” getting a private briefing to weaponize whatever they can.
Stalin, a master of such tactics, would applaud…
Saw that. I hope the Dems plan on showing up for the meeting even if some administration apparatchik subsequently says otherwise: making a scene about being shut out will get much more attention and tv play if they’ve literally had the door shut in their faces. We’d all like to think simply pointing out the obvious fishiness of excluding the Dems (what justification for that could there be other than concocting a story to help Trump?) would be enough, but enacting the drama will give the media a vivid handle for the (sigh) narrative.
Awww, can’t you just see the love in their eyes?
I was just saying to spouse that the headline picture will be in the history books illustrating the dysfunction, nay–treachery-- of the Nunes-led Committee
“…You know it’s going to be Ivanka…”
–> Better than Eric, I guess.
This is outrageous. When I saw the headline, I thought, yay, someone has come to their collective senses for a change. Then I read the article. Why even bother with a separate meeting? And why would the Dems accept it as a dry bone tossed their way? If the Dems aren’t present at tomorrow’s briefing, then all bets should be off. They should bring the whole damn train to a grinding halt (to the extent that they can) in both chambers of Congress. This WH and its blatantly corrupt enablers (freaking Nunes, ugh) have gotten away with this crap for too damned long. And, emboldened, they keep on pulling stunts like this because they know they can. I’m so angry about this I could spit nails.
So now the DOJ says there are going to be two meetings tomorrow, first with Nunes and Gowdy only, then a second meeting with the Gang of Eight. So still giving Nunes the chance breach all protocol, demand answers to impermissible questions, and then make up whatever he wants to make up to serve Dear Leader.
What the actual fuck?
Ari Melber and his panel are calling this latest pronouncement from the DOJ (at 10 pm Eastern to say there will be two meetings tomorrow) ludicrous. Of course the purpose of a 2nd meeting is to keep up some kind of appearance of being bipartisan, but who in their right mind would expect the Dems to get the same information as the GOP received at the first meeting??? Placating a bully is never a good idea because it emboldens them. Ned Price (Former Sr. Director of National Security) just called this insane. He said that Gowdy and others at the first meeting have a lower level of security clearance than the Gang of Eight so this is backwards.
[quote=“ghost, post:53, topic:72620”]
What the actual fuck?
[/quote]Interesting - and extremely corrupt - times.
Also, has anyone seen even an attempt at a rationale to explain the necessity of this “Rs only” briefing? Not that it would be truthful coming from this slime pit WH, but have they even bothered to justify it? Maybe I’ve missed it, but I’ve seen doodly squat on that front.
And may I just say what a POS headline this is from The Hill: “Bowing to pressure, White House to host bipartisan briefing on Russia Investigation.” They haven’t bowed to pressure at all. It’s barely a thin facade of compromise. Sheesh.
Sitting here and watching the coverage of this meeting…it occurs to me that this meeting may be an attempt at a confrontation with Rosenstein in which he would be put in an untenable position and have to say “NO” to trump over some part of it thereby giving trump a pretext with which to fire him. It’s very very apparent to me that trump is looking for any reason to drop the hammer on Rosenstein as a way to kill what Mueller is doing.
There I go stating the obvious again.
The hard part of an obstruction charge is proving corrupt intent. How bad or obvious does that corruption need to be to have a legal effect? Seems to me there are multiple instances where trump has broadcast loudly his corrupt intent.
I tell ya…when I see trump on the telly bloviating…even with the sound off … I feel I’m being force fed a shit sandwich and this image comes to mind:
On “Deadline” MSNBC, a Senator was interviewed, and he stated there was a statute against the first meeting. The law states that the only the Gang of 8 can see this information. After hearing this information, I had hoped someone would sue, but this might be the bases of the change of plans for the meeting.
Five will get you 10 that Nunes will come out of the meeting and say something like: “This isn’t enough. Blah blah blah. We know there has to be more. Yada Yada Yada, the American people, jiggery bargle, argle pokery. We demand to see all the files, which I will supoena immediately. Yada Yada, God, Blah Blah, spygate, American people deserve to know.”
Yeah, that’s how it goes down. They won’t be satisfied until they can see the entire Russia Probe case files.
Well, well, well, there’s been a change of plans. The gang of eight is being briefed tomorrow afternoon. And Rosenstein will participate.