No wonder MANGOTUS wants the investigation to go away.
This is the collusion point.
”Russia’s cyberattacks on the United States’ electoral infrastructure, which include efforts to delete or alter voter data in Illinois and targeted attacks on election systems in 21 states…”
”Look – over there – Clinton emails!”
MANGOTUS just tweeted that he has no recordings of Comey. Now we are faced with the choice: Whom to believe.
Bet MANGOTUS now wishes he hadn’t started his tenure lying about the size of the crowds and following up with lying about everything else. He has no “goodwill” with anyone but the base base who supports him no matter what.
So now we are admitting that Russia successfully hacked state voter systems AND STOLE INFORMATION!!!
That’s a huge admission it seems to me. Now, they’re investigating the tie in to see if the Trump campaign used that info. Brad Parscale, Steve Bannon - time for you to come clean.
“Time did not specify which of the five congressional committees looking into Russian interference in the election is investigating this specific thread.”
Yeah, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing there…
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
There’s can’t be anything there. David Brooks said it’s just a big nothingburger–like Whitewater.
Does anyone doubt that if they had access to the information they used it? Or, if they didn’t use the information, it was out of sheer incompetence rather than any respect for the law or privacy?
If this happened, it would indicate there was … damn, whats that word? Oh yeah - COLLUSION.
The funny thing is that the Lone Deranger making a flat denial makes me think it’s infinitely more possible that recordings exist.
Collusion anyone?
I want to see McConnell’s name roll up in this part of the investigation by god.
Time for FOX to do another story on Evergreen State College.
@krux Your new avatar is very cool! What ship is that?
I’d like to see names roll up like the credits after a Cecil B. DeMille movie.
It’s the schooner Zodiac based out of Bellingham, WA.
I don’t think that the Trump team used the data themselves. Parscale and Kushner lack any semblance of background on how to have run the data operations that the campaign claimed that they ran. (I think that they were a diversion attempt in November and December from that the data operations were run by Russians who were good at it to try to explain away why there had been a successful data operation with the hope that no one looked hard at it.) I want to see Parscale and Kushner attempt to explain in hearings what it is that they supposedly did (since neither has a subject matter expertise and someone like a Schiff or a Harris will be armed for a rough cross examination), but I’m not bullish on this data thread leading to Parscale and Kushner.
Congress is investigating whether any private voter information allegedly stolen by Russian hackers was passed to or used by the Trump campaign.
No word on whether any action will be taken based on the results of this investigation. But they’re investigating!
“Received the data but didn’t use it” is still collusion.
He was the one who brought up the tapes in the first place. If they exist, they would just prove once and for all that he’s lying about the meeting, so there’s no incentive to release them. The earlier statement was just straight-up witness intimidation, as well as an attempt at gaslighting Comey into thinking maybe he’d said something incriminating.