The daily dose of pay for play corruption that so typifies the Trump WH.
The Trump Inaugural Committee was a cesspool of corruption, of which we’re only beginning to learn the details. By itself, in normal times, it would have been enough to impeach and convict any other President.
Trump is hellbent on monetizing the Presidency, no matter the cost to Americans.
Curious to know exactly when Cohen tipped off federal prosecutors regarding Haney.
Haney’s donation “is being scrutinized by federal prosecutors in New York who are investigating the committee’s finances.”
Looks like we have some more angry Democrats that Barr will need to investigate.
I don’t know if I trust anything coming from Cohen that isn’t delivered via Tom Arnold. (s)
This is the kind of thing immeasurably better than
“Trump slams Biden…calls ex VP dumb”
“Biden camp retaliates”
“Lindsey Graham says Trump is misunderstood”
None of the above puts Trump in danger
There are credible items (which can be put before the public that will keep the focus on Trump) that Trump’s appeals and other legal gymnastics cannot sweep completely under the rug. There are so many items, in fact, that, in the final analysis, it is an issue of reporting, not improper actions by Trump
(the Qataris) are going to invest $45 billion (in the U.S.) and they’ll loan money for nuclear plants
How much will be left after they bail out the Kushner Companies?
Trump’s going to have to do better if he wants to have the biggest bribes in history. Teapot Dome involved 400K which is half a billion today. Sad! Weak! Trumpy gets rooked again.
Wow! Mr. Haney sure has come a long way since “Green Acres”.
Maybe we’ll get lucky and Fat Ass will appoint Arnold the Pig to a cabinet position, so we’ll finally have someone honest and competent in the Trump administration.
We want normalcy!!
We want normalcy!!
We want normalcy!!
I’m sure the president and his supporters will not understand why there’s anything wrong with this. You know, just proves he’s a great businessman, etc.
They already bailed them out:
In a deal that eases the financial pressure on the Kushner Companies, Brookfield Asset Management said on Friday that it had taken a 99-year lease on 666 Fifth Avenue, the troubled Midtown tower owned by the family of Donald Trump’s son-in-law.
Jared Kushner, now a top White House adviser, paid a record-setting $1.8 billion for the building in 2007, and it has been a drag on his family’s real estate company ever since.
The deal, in which Brookfield paid the rent for the entire 99-year term upfront, helps remove the family’s biggest financial headache: a $1.4 billion mortgage on the office portion of the tower that was due in February next year.
Brookfield is one of the world’s biggest real estate companies, and among its investors is the Qatar Investment Authority, one of the world’s largest sovereign funds, which bought a $1.8 billion stake in one of the company’s subsidiaries, Brookfield Property Partners in 2014, and is the second-largest investor in the company, ranking only behind Brookfield Asset Management.
…The farmers are still on board with him, despite him killing their businesses…
So, yeah, nothing will get through to them. Just need to get on with a mass migration plan to relocate lots of liberals from places like California to the heartland, in numbers great enough to overthrow all of the locals.
By the way…weeks ago Felix Sater was due to come before Congress. Something came up.
Sater: “Trump will die in prison”
Got any other Warren Harding allusions waiting for their moment in the sun?
Barr instructed SDNY to begin charges against him for spying on the Trump campaign.
Barr is Bad News.
Cohen may be the best gift that keeps on giving to prosecutors yet.
For whom?
He’s just a burr under the saddle, not really worried about him. By the time we’re done, he’ll probably be seeing charges under the next Administration.
Intel agents in country