Discussion: Report: Climate Change Resources Removed From EPA Website

The US gov’t is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the oil and coal industries.


Oh well, la de da. I’m sure Hillary’s EPA chief would have done this too. Just as bad or worse than Trump, you know.


But in related news, USEPA and FEMA are jointly stockpiling clean-up supplies for future hurricanes…


Scientists: “See us now, or see us when it’s too late. Actually, who are we kidding? You’ll figure out a way to blame us for not telling you soon enough.”


When we’re hit by multiple cat. 5 hurricanes, an entire east coast underwater, and California burned to a crisp, they’ll still say, “We still can’t be entirely certain whether climate change is occurring. I mean, it snowed last January, didn’t it?”



I’m sorry but I cannot help myself: what if a Democrat had done this? Meanwhile, the director of the CIA is now saying no Russian involvement in the election. Just a flat-out lie. The mountain of scandals is working: it’s impossible to keep up so nothing happens. Nothing about Niger, nothing about nothing. Meanwhile, Obama’s administration was so squeaky clean, they screamed about a flag pin. Okay, it’s out of my system for the day (I hope; it isn’t 11 AM yet).


Maybe when the housekeepers, nannies or gardeners cannot get to work because of flooding, they will care. Nah.

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It will be imperative that the next Dem President do the exact opposite of Trump and NOT shred his legacy but to put it on full display as an example of how NOT to govern, NOT to lead and NOT to behave.

Every public space with his name shall be changed to Obama and he forever will be the * asterisk in American history as the worst tenure of any President this nation has ever been forced to endure.


These people are the enemies of life, plain and simple.


When this is all over, and someday it will be I propose that we do to Trump what ancient Egyptians did to their Pharaohs they disliked-they erased his name from every monument, building, and record. But to keep in accordance with the Presidential Records Act I suggest we just replace Trump’s name with an asterisk. Let him become the footnote in our history that deserves.Karma is a bitch.

As for Pruitt he’s got a Governor’s race to run. His time at the EPA will be short along with Trump’s.


They do realize that people along the Florida and gulf coasts are beginning to take climate change very seriously. Opposition to climate change is being overtaken by events (OBE).

As an aside, I recently drove from Kansas City to Oklahoma City. You would be amazed at the number of giant windmills that have been installed in the southern part of Kansas and the northern portion of Oklahoma. It is as though the energy companies were poking the Kochs in the eye with a sharp stick.



Holy crap…LOL…


I swear to Gaia, the characters in this shitshow are as overtly, comically villainous as Hoggish Greedly, Dr. Blight, and Verminous Skumm.

Planeteers! We need you!

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Now that the “War On Christmas” is officially over, it’s time for the next step:

"Coal. This Christmas, celebrate America’s hard-working men and women who heat your homes and light up the darkness.

"Coal. America’s natural resource.

“Coal in your stocking? Yes, please, and Merry Christmas!”

Sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute


Maybe they fixed that little Climate Change nuisance, so they don’t need all that scientificky stuff anymore.

I have spent 50 years in the Sonoran Desert area in Arizona. In that time the end of summer, characterized by the end of 90 degree days, traditionally was early October. No more. The time line is shifting later ad later. Now the 90’s are done in the last few days of October fully 3&1/2 weeks different. The beginning of the 90 degree days is also earlier each year. It used to be the end of April. Now it’s the beginning of that month.
Just 50 years of observations. But … there’s no change and it’s “all a Chinese hoax”…


How about a name change to the EMA, The Environmental Morons Administration?

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