Discussion: Report: 'Buzzed' Man Fatally Shot Child In Game Of 'Gun Tag'

Discussion for article #229418

It’s a wonder that the species continues, really.


“Gun tag”
Isn’t that a clever euphemism for murder?


Another day in Wayne LaPierre’s America. Once again, the Tree of Liberty’s unquenchable thirst has been momentarily slaked by the blood of innocents.


He first says he only heard the gunshot then admitted he fired the shot?

I sure hope a lifetime in prison is in your future.


As long as we are going to insist that even the dumbest, drunkest, idiots can have guns, can we make them a little safer? Here are some ideas:

  1. Glock triger. All guns should be as hard as a glock to pull the trigger, if not harder.

  2. Chamber timeout. Any bullet in the chamber should be ejected, automatically, after 5 idle minutes. I suggest we also turn the safety on automatically, and require you to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and enter your password to use it again.

  3. All firearms should be equipped with a breathalyzer.

  4. Nerf bullets. All bullets should be replaced with nerf bullets.

  5. Auto arrest. After fie ring the weapon, if the victim is under 16 or Caucasian, the gun will turn on the owner and arrest him.

I see no reason why the NRA should refuse to accept these proven safety measures.

Or maybe they will settle for background checks, and keep guns away from criminals, drunks, stoners, and morons?


WTF? GUN TAG??? So were you also buzzed when you taught a 3 year old how to play “gun tag” too? Alcohol and guns lying around the house don’t mix, but neither do dumb fucks and guns.

In Wayne’s world, the only way an irresponsible adult is held liable for leaving a dangerous killing machine around for a 3 year old to get hold of, is if the gun idiot adult is actually the one who gets hold of it and shoots the 3 year old. You poor guy, if that 3 tear old had gotten hold of that gun and actually killed someone else with it, or himself, you would be as free as a bird.


When I saw my twin 3 year olds playing with pretend Lego guns, a I died a little inside. Of course, they were pretending to get each other wet.


Tag! You’re dead!

Gee…this is FUN!

Only wish Wayne LaPierre had been in the hall.

The gun guys in the comments sections of the news stories are harrumphing about how responsible gun owners would never do this, gun is just an object, etc. The premise is that if you’re drunk and irresponsible, the gun wasn’t the problem. And since responsible people don’t play gun tag or do anything else wrong with guns, then guns cannot ever be a problem! See how that works?


Am I wrong to feel compassion for these guys who accidentally shoot people? I can’t help but feel they’re somehow also victims of this idiotic gun culture in which guns are toys and can’t actually hurt anyone unless, I dunno, you intend for them to kill. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be punished and harshly, but I feel the American culture of gun adoration contributes to this madness almost as much as their own stupidity.


I spent many a year from age 16 to 31 more than buzzed. I never shot a 3-year-old or an any year old. What the what?

However, a part of me doesn’t believe his story.

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I don’t think you’re wrong to feel compassion for them. The more powerless and disorganized you are, the easier it is to feel that a gun gives you some power and control. I’m sure it becomes an addiction. This guy was probably never that great at controlling his impulses or foreseeing consequences, drunk or sober. I was thinking about this—the only comparable thing is driving drunk, and it’s fairly easy to get caught and punished at that and maybe realize you can’t do it and avoid the more tragic consequences. But no cop pulls you over for playing around with a gun drunk in your own house until it’s too late.


I suppose that’s one way to stop arguments from occurring on the playground over whether “you got me” or not.


Or maybe they will settle for background checks, and keep guns away from criminals, drunks, stoners, and morons?

  1. The God-given Second Amendment, which was written in stone on the back of the Ten Commandments™, upon which this very nation was founded, does not say that it’s OK to deny sweet, sweet guns to criminals, drunks, stoners and morons.

  2. Any attempt to reduce, slow down, or eliminate gun violence via legislation is viewed by the NRA and/or gun nuts as being exactly the same thing has having Barack HUSSEIN Obama doing door to door throughout America and personally confiscating weapons…which he’s then going to give to the Muslim Brotherhood, or something.

Reason doesn’t apply here; we’re talking about gunsZ!!!1111!!!


The “No true Scotsman” fallacy. Just one of many.


Always assume a firearm to be loaded – That’s safety rules for dummies No. 1


More guns isn’t enough. Maybe we need more alcohol, too.


Pity, maybe…compassion, not so much. Down that path lies things like Affluenza and anything else you can try to justify with variations on the basic argument of “it’s not my fault…I’m just a hapless victim of my environment.”

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No, silly. We just have to wait for the good guys with the guns. Once that happens all is well. A few hundred dead kids a year is a small price to pay for our FREEDUMB.

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