One of the world’s vilest people. Go get 'em.
This mofo is high on my list of people I want to watch get frog-marched to a squad car or into a court room. He deserves nothing short of death, but we’ll hopefully at least be able to make him spend some time in prison.
Also hopefully that goddamn deplorable will take his sister there with him.
Did they use rubber hoses? God, I hope they used rubber hoses.
Anything Erik Prince is involved in includes:
- Vast sums of money.
- Bad actors.
- Illegal activity.
- People getting hurt.
- And some other stuff.
The Mueller folks are really getting the old band together, aren’t they?
Call Gina Haspel to interrogate this SOB we can end the debate on wether torture works.
Isn’t blackwater usually found in swamps? Figures…
He’s definitely one motherfucker that I would love to see spend a long time in prison. General population, of course.
I wonder if he was less than forthcoming as he was before congressional committees.
My understanding is that the FBI has an issue with that.
The name of the band being “Evil Incorporated”
Wonder if the ol’ Maverick is gonna say his piece on this? Naw. He was a butt boy for Bush in 2004 after being slandered by Rove in the 2000 election and, though he should have been his harshest critic, rarely says anything to obviously damning about the Donald and ALWAYS votes straight party line.
I like your “wether” idea…
weth·er (wĕth′ər)
A castrated male sheep or goat.
I resent the media for not identifying him as BOTH Blackwater founder AND Education Secretary DeVos 's brother every single time he surfaces.
“The Daily Beast said it wasn’t clear what Mueller’s team discussed with Prince.”
Cell mates, conjugal visits, and the license-plate shop?
Aren’t the first two items often the same?
It’s difficult to get inside the mind of someone like Prince, but I sure hope that being questioned by Mueller caused Erik some stress and sleepless nights; lots of calls to his attorney; and relationship troubles at home. I also hope that discomfort is but a preview of how he will feel when he tries to adjust to prison life.
They’re on a mission from Rod
And quality designer orange jump suits. (Designed in Bakersfield, USA and assembled in Burkina Faso)