Discussion: Report: Autopsy Shows Unarmed Teen Was Shot At Least Six Times

Discussion for article #226534

“It can be because he’s giving up, or because he’s charging forward at the officer,” Baden explained.

Nice explanation oh except the part where the wounds on the inside of his arms could not have come from charging forward at the officer. Try explaining those without Brown holding his hands up in the air when he was shot.

It appears he was standing with his hands in the air in surrender and was shot in the arm multiple times causing him to crumple at which point the rounds entered the top of his skill. Otherwise he…charged at the officer who shot him in the skull and then he threw his arms up and the officer shot those? Officer shot him in the inside of the arms as he was running away so he turned and charged the officer who then shot him in the skull?


Is there a police vehicle video of this event? If not, why not, and if so, why isn’t it public?


The narrative goes that the officer passed them in his car and then backed up to talk to them. Vehicle videos are generally of the scene in front of the vehicle. Which brings up the question of whether driving past them and backing up was done deliberately to avoid a record of the event.


Because, unlike the convenience store video, the cops can’t use it to demonize Mike Brown. They’re on page 2 of the Zimmerman Defense playbook – 173 pages to go.


Unfortunately, the cruisers in that town are not equipped with dash cams.


Six times – one for every cigar he stole.

Okay, now it all makes sense!

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Well, based on reports the officer who shot him was not aware that he was a suspect in the convenience store robbery.

The shooting had nothing to do with that crime.


The car wasn’t equipped with dash cam.


When will we see the toxicology report for the “peace” officer that was allowed to run away? My guess is we’ll see it on the 1st of Neveruary.


Amazing. They don’t have dash cams but they have armored personnel carriers. As for hitting the kid 6 times, I guess the cop wanted to be sure.
It’s no wonder there is rioting going on.


The story related by a “friend” of the officer is that the cop asked MB to get out of the road, pulled forward, heard the report on the radio of the robbery and the description of the suspect, recognized MB as resembling the suspect, pulled back, tried to open the door, and MB forced the door closed, beginning the scuffle. Then it claims instead of surrendering, he bumrushed the officer after being held up at gunpoint. The only explanation for that kind of behavior is that MB would have been under the influence of some serious drugs. Nobody would act that way unless he had a death wish or was high on something serious. Did the autopsy reveal anything in MB’s system? If not, I don’t see how the bumrush story could make any sense. If so, then the officer’s story (related by the “friend”) is more plausible.


Unfortunately, the cruisers in that town are not equipped with dash cams.

Ah, yes, but the officers in that town ARE equipped with military tanks and military grade weapons.

Oh the irony.


That was reported on fairly early. It seems the dash cams have been ordered for the police cars (2 years ago) but haven’t actually been installed on any of them yet.


Wow going to be tough enough explaining 6 shots. Good thing rambo didn’t get his hands on a AR 15 with a 30 round clip. Town would have been burnt down by now.


They have dash cams for every vehicle. They just never installed them. That alone shows what this police department is all about.


His body was 35 feet away from the patrol car. He was running away as the officer exited his vehicle. The officer was in no danger at all.

If the robbery played some role in this why didn’t they arrest his buddy? Wasn’t he with Brown in the convenience store?


Six hits. Ferguson investigators can’t up to count the number of empty shells that were laying around. Ten or more according to witness accounts.

Dedicated racial hatred harmonizes throughout this murder and subsequent developments. Note well, not a word from Rwingers on the need for peaceful Ferguson protesters to be armed to defend their First Amendment rights to free speech. Nope. The same a$$hats that called Bundy’s mob heroes for drawing down on law enforcement officers.


ThE aUTOpsy REveaLED thaat MicHael BROwn HAd A fisTFULL OF SwisHER sWEETS THAT were Purportedly TO be USEd as bLUNTs, whICh are bASICALLy MArijuana CIGarettes. LIBruls StoP COverING up the TRUth that THE police USEd APPROPRIATE force to sTOP this CIGAR-stealNG HOODLUm froM SMOkinG maRIjuana cigarettes!!1!!!1!111!1one!!!1!!!


When are you going to learn how to type properly! Every site you troll on has the same kind of BS childish-type spelling!
The following is for you!
