From what I can surmise, Ketchum is a Democrat and Loughry is a Republican. Something must be leaching into the drinking water in W.Va. to have so many problems on their Supreme Court. Coal ash perhaps?
Menis Ketchum? That first name evokes the old joke: Q: Why did Elvis Presley’s mother not like him to be called Elvis the Pelvis? A: Because he had a brother named Enos.
The West Virginia judicial system has been deeply, utterly corrupted by the coal companies. Top to bottom, bought out patsies of the coal barons, and once people are bought, they stop caring about other proprieties. Maybe they think their masters will protect them too or something, or they think they got away with one thing so they can get away with everything else. But I would be surprised if there’s a single clean judge left in the state.
Gotta catch 'em all.