If you want to argue Northam and Fairfax should resign, fine. But if you’re going to make that argument, you must also insist Trump, Kavanaugh, King, and Hyde-Smith, for starters, also resign. This would be morally consistent.
How about we complete a review of the rest of the VA leadership… Seems the Senate Majority Leader also has a connection to blackface. Let’s look at the full legislature.
Does seem pre-mature to rush out the guys who have been accused, when you don’t know the nature of the accusations which may exists amongst their replacements.
Heck, the Northam/Fairfax/Herring is a perfect example of that. Had Northam jumped on Saturday, Fairfax would have been in, only to be accused on Sunday… So Maybe last Monday Herring would have been in… Until Wednesday, when his blackface past showed up.
What do y’all think an investigation will turn up? There’s a picture. In a yearbook. What is there about this that is any kind of mystery?
Fairfax maybe would benefit from an investigation but Northam’s problem is straightforward.
I highly doubt she would disagree being that she’s a Democrat.
I don’t understand that argument either. There’s nothing to investigate. The picture was on his yearbook page and he put it there. End of story.
Agreed. For him, the real question is who else in the VA leadership is tainted by this or similar past.
Given it’s VA, I’d expect a lot.
And then can you really say, oh, this guy who had blackface we keep, but that one we don’t, and so on down the line. If it’s a removable offense, clear them all out.
Otherwise, it may be time for one of those Truth & Reconciliation panels like South Africa had…
I know nothing about Fairfax and if he wants an investigation then I hope he can get one but he needs to be careful what he wishes for.
He’s got two accusers right now and an investigation might turn up more.
At least in the excerpts provided, I didn’t hear her make that argument. I think it should be more aggressively stated. This behavior is very bad, all around.
An investigation could perhaps be done in Massachusetts by the Suffolk County (Boston) District Attorney, since the incident involving Dr. Tyson took place at the Democratic National Convention in the summer of 2004, and the statute of limitations for sexual assault is (and was then) fifteen years, which means it has not lapsed as Fairfax could be charged.
If he truly believes he’s innocent, he should be having a private lie-detector test run with his lawyers, then be touting the results. I know, pseudo-science bullshit and all that, but it’s probably the best way for him to make the case for himself of why he should stay. And if he doesn’t pass it, he should just keep it under wraps and decide to spend more time with his family.
I understand where you are coming from but I don’t give any fucks about lie detector tests cause they don’t detect lies.
My feeling about Fairfax is that his goose is cooked. There are two credible accusers so far. That tells me there are likely more out there.
But the government does. And investigators do.
And I speak from experience, having been in a situation a couple of decades ago where I did have an accusation against me–nothing so serious like these, and was like 14-15 at the time–and at the advice of my lawyer I volunteered to undergo one as it was the only way for us to provide a defense in a he said/she said case.
And the investigator had been asking the same basic question-- why would someone make up a story? It sounds credible. And in my case, we had that and some letters written by the girl to me which ended up giving the investigator exactly why people do make up things, and the case was dropped.
All in all, that’s why I’m sensitive to cases like this, and want to see them run fairly and thoroughly investigated before just believing the accuser’s story. I’ve been there, with the Mean Girls who run out on a vendetta against one of the kids who got picked on.
The question was about Northam. I don’t fault her for keeping the spotlight on him and not going into the litany of others that should go too.
I agree. The litany got pretty long.
Ok, you have experience so fine, let him take a test. Let him have an investigation - I said that already.
So everyone needs to stay, right?
Polls are showing that most black people don’t want Northam to resign.
We understand that any white man raised in the south in the 60’s was raised in a totally racist culture. I don’t care if he was not enlightened by 1984. My guess is the majority of white Virginians were not enlightened by 1984. So what!! I care about what are his politics now. Its a simple question. Who’s side are you on?
Everything I read about Northam says is he is a stand up guy. You fools are going to mess around and end up with a Republican governor who will rubber stamp the Republican legislature. By the next election, they will have figured out how to throw a few hundred thousand Democrats off the voter rolls, since that is what Republicans do. Don’t help them!
There is a saying about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. But even more simple. WHO’S SIDE ARE YOU ON?
I bet there are more women lurking in the background able to accuse Fairfax. He reminds me of a guy I once dated. Once they establish a pattern like that they tend to maintain it.
My feeling is that two starts to form a pattern alright.
I’ll bet it’s the Republicans who are more sullied by racist images. I grew up in Virginia and worked in campaigns there. Don’t forget the noose former Governor and Senator George Allen, a native Californian who absorbed the worst of Virginia racism, kept in his law office. It bothered Dems but not Republicans.