Discussion: Rep. Tom Price Reveals Republicans Eyeing Medicare Overhaul In 2017

Hardly anyone who is elected to the Presidency turns out to be who everyone thought they were going to be. Hillary probably would have been better as she would have fought and negotiated with the R’s. Obama is an intellectual who doesn’t want to get in the pig sty with the pigs so he didn’t get as much done as he might have if he had been the type of personality that could deal with the opposition – like Lyndon Johnson. But we never get perfection in our presidents and expecting to is kind of childish. I was frustrated with Obama but he also did many good things.

Pretty much everyone agrees that the ACA needs work. It was the best the D’s could do with the R’s still dominating the House. The better way to go would have been Medicare for all but that wasn’t going to happen. Republicans would rather enrich the rich. They always have, always will.


What language are you writing in here?

And what, exactly, did the working class have before Obamacare? Nada.

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When did Progressives “like” Wikileaks?

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To all Trumpanzee’s, just remember that cat food is AWESOME!!

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No. They will be grandfathered in. Even Republicans aren’t that stupid.

As usual, it will be my post-Baby Boom generation that gets fucked.

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You get (and got) what you deserved for not voting for Hillary. The Public Option was killed by Dems who thought that it would never pass the GOP and Fux News scum. Little did they know. Sending people to other rallies is a time honored tradition, if it offends you you have serious Pollyanna issues.

Last but not least Hillary was right about Trump but not savage or persistent enough. I never NEVER heard one shred of truth from Charlie Cheetos against Hillary. Tell me one true charge he leveled against her you sad deluded f*ck.

PS: Hillary hated Wikileaks WAY before the election … that kind of stuff poisons diplomatic wells real fast. Wikileaks garbage about Hillary was an act of war by Russia. We should have been at Defcon 2 and unilaterally offered Nato style protection to Ukraine, Georgia and maybe even Kaliningrad. Down their planes and sionk their ships at the slightest provocation. If we are not ready to exterminate our enemies to safeguard our elections then we are not a nation at all. The GOP whores at the FBI (fuck them all) said there was no evidence of the Russians helping Trump. If you leak against one side and NOT another that is evidence Motherf*ckers!

I think I’m ready to let it all go. But I did expect so much more out of Obama. That’s my real frustration. And now we have Trump (or he has us) and it’s the Republican’s time now to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. They got lucky but don’t know what to do with their new ruler. And I doubt he knows how he’s going to go about what he ‘plans’ to accomplish. Trump’s got a whole lot of jobs to create these next two years.


I’ll tell ya, if Trump held a really tomorrow and announced that he changed his mind about Medicare and Medicaid, the response would be shock, followed by disbelief.

In two seconds, those chills will understand that this huckster is threatening to make into.a nation of beggars.

My daughter is 39 and, to her, this would be a nightmare. Health costs for her are quite prohibitive. I urge everyone to work toward the termination of the Trump Presidency by any legal means possible (see article below which I URGE ALL to read). We must get him out of this office as soon as possible. I saw David Frum on Lawrence’s show tonight and Frum was beside himself with alarm over Flynn as National Security Advisor AND Trump’s overall mental state. Frum was talking about Constitutional ways of removal.

With respect to Lyin Ryan and what he and the GOP plan to do with Medicare… Greedy as always, they see their plan to pounce.

We must fight this as we have never fought before

…CRICKETS! We are a full week into one of the greatest looming domestic crises in the modern age, aside from wars, and the NYT has YET to cover the issue beyond an op-ed on the Republican falsehoods of Obamacare economics. Not a fucking MENTION of imminent plans to phase out Medicare.

I have yet to hear back from my congressman, Mark DeSaulnier (D,) and neither CA senator has stepped up to a microphone to denounce the insanity. The nice lady at AARP in DC thanked me for my call and concerns and said she would pass them along.

I think Josh and other posters may be right. This could well become a fait accompli long before folks, including most Medicare recipients and those soon-to-be, ever find out.

The MoFo repubs are gonna “save” Medicare by destroying it?

And a wall to build, and millions of illegals to deport. millions of jobs to repatriate to US soil and massive tariffs to impose on Mexico and China, a US debt to default on, international trade and non-nuclear treaties to shred, Muslims to turn away.

Dude is gonna be too damned busy to notice the disabled and the elderly being turned away from healthcare.

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My brother isn’t angry. It’s hard to convey. The closer word would be dismissive. He’s never been as interested in politics as me. He looks at it more calmly than I do, but he’ll never vote Democrat again. That much I do know.

English. You should try it sometime. It’s our country’s official language.

So, ncsteve, you don’t want to answer my question. Why not?

Hillary Clinton is a corrupt liar, bought and paid for.

You should learn to write it.

Paul Krugman exposed this today.

There will be plenty of buyer’s remorse over Trump.

No, we voted for your lousy candidate. But we knew she was lousy, unlike you. Hillary was such a bad candidate she couldn’t beat Donald Trump. And her supporters blame the loss on “berniebros”? LOL. The only good thing to come out of this election is we will never have Hillary Clinton in another election.


It’s hard to convey. The closer word would be dismissive.

My wife is also dismissive but her complaint usually is, ‘Why is it always like pulling teeth, to get anything done, why does everything have to be so difficult?’ And she rarely complains but compared to even twenty or so years ago it’s like we’re stuck in the mud, with progress coming in increments. And it’s more than just the Republicans standing in the way. Yes, ‘the business of America is business’ but we’re enjoying less, working more, fighting for the ‘basics’ and having to always be looking over our shoulders. And now they want more. Our family has been through it all, so this is not me whining.

Politics has made life more difficult. We look to Washington to make it less so but they seem to have their own agenda.

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