What’s that rumbling I hear? My god, a heard of racist cartilage-heads are rushing to their computers. Keep your head down, Representative!
This is how it’s done. Create controversy that the media can cover that pushes your narrative.
This is how you message Dems learn a fucking lesson for once.
The more I see of this guy, the more I like him.
Any chance CA can share him?
I heart Ted Lieu.
No coLLusioN! LibTards are thE coLLuSioN.
Wanna drive a gun nut crazy? Remind him that Heller v DC says that the 2nd Amendment allows ONLY for the ownership of a handgun and allows broad discretion for gun control laws. . That’s all. I did this in the local suburban paper and nearly got lynched.
C’mon, which democrats, other than Heitkamp and Manchin, get As from the Normalized Russian Agency?
The guy has some moves - heard a long interview with him last week and it gave me hope.
Of course, I live in AZ so I took my hope, stuffed it in a coffee can and buried it in my backyard. But still…
Seeing a Democrat throw a punch is like seeing a dog walk!
Nice, but I once handed a colleague a page of printed notes. He said You took a drafting class, didn’t you. Ted did not.
I love this guy!
“Give mean F” is great!
So, go with the Trump playbook? I’m not so sure about that. Sure, you might see some short-term benefits, but consider the long-term effects. Really consider them. It just doesn’t seem like it’s in our best interest to appeal to low-information reactionary voters. There must be enough adults and responsible citizens in this country for us to reach common ground on, no?
Lol, the thought crossed my mind too. That’s some terrible penmanship. It looks like my little sister’s handwriting when she was in elementary school.
You slept through 2016?
And that handgun doesn’t need to be able to fire twice without reloading. AWWWW YEAH, BABY, FLINTLOCK TIME!!
I don’t know. I suspect the Fainting Couch Brigade will have something to say.
English is not Ted Lieu’s first language (born in Taiwan). But his mastery of it is far beyond the pResident’s.
In my experience the “tell” on drafting classes is the Closed-Top 4.