Discussion: Rep. Steve Scalise Undergoing Surgery, In Stable Condition After Shooting

Well this is all going to be a big mess driven totally by who the shooter is and his motives.

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A statement from his office says that he is grateful for his healthcare paid for by American taxpayers, and hopes to return to Congress in time to help take health insurance away from 24 million of them.


It was a “middle-age, slightly chubby, white guy”…

Typically the middle-aged chubby white guys are shooting up Planned Parenthood offices, young black guys playing music too loud, or folks that look vaguely middle-eastern. In those cases they are dismissed as loners or kooks. (Edit - and taken alive) In this case the shooter will be a highly trained and motivated DNC operative with a Hillary Clinton tattoo and found carrying a copy of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. Where’s Alex Jones when you need him?


“A guy…walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there,” Representative Ron DeSantis told Fox News Wednesday morning. “And it was just a little odd then he walked towards the area where this all happened.”

Not gonna be able to blame the Muslims this time, I suppose. This one will get swept under the rug in about two hours.

Hoping for full recovery for all involved.

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I hate to say it, but you had to know he would fit the above description when it was reported that he was taken alive.

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From the congressman’s web page:

“Congressman Scalise’s pro-gun stance has earned him an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association. A member of the Congressional Second Amendment Task Force, Congressman Steve Scalise will continue fighting to protect every citizen’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

Uh, we need to talk…

No one should be surprised. If the critters couldn’t act after Giffords was wounded as badly as she was, there will be no conversation after this. They’ll move on. With bodyguards in tow.


Why are Republicans upset?

This is just the bullet box and 2nd Amendment solution Trump and the GOP suggested.


I don’t disagree…

Although it should obviously go without saying…No matter one’s political persuasion, this is a very grave development.


Thank you for responding to our survey. If the shooting is Obama’s fault, press 1. If the shooting is Obama’s fault, press 2. If the shooting is the fault of fake news and the main-stream media, press 3. If Trump and the GOP will try and use this to divert attention from his Russia mess, press 4… ah, hell. Just press any key.

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Alleged shooter’s alleged FB page: https://www.facebook.com/jthodgkinson Conservative’s wet dream.

Yep. Looks like a Berniebot

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