Discussion: Rep. Schweikert 'Leaning Against' McCain Challenge, Creating Opening For Another GOPer

Discussion for article #232921


jumping up and down in her JimmyChoos screaming in her oh so sultry voice…


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Gramps McCain is gonna hold onto his Chairmanship of the Armed Services Committee with a death grip as it’s something he has long coveted. That means that of course he will run again. For evidence I have the McCain Newsletter he sends to anyone who has emailed his office if you want it or not. I get two because I’ve emailed him twice. And they weren’t flattering either. If you wish to read his drivel you can likely find it on his website. I’d rather not soil TPM with it.


You’re right that he has long coveted being chair of the Armed Services Committee. But he’s going to be 80 years old by the 2016 election. Is he really up physically for another 6 years?

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I think it’s time for him to retire.

I really am opposed to term limits, but you know something…I’m not opposed to a mandatory retirement age for members of Congress and the Supreme Court.


I guess aging with dignity was never a consideration? McCain is a figment of a legend wrapped in a pseudo hero war costume that chameleon’s envy for its ability to change under pressure.

If McCain had a life, he would go live it. But he lives for the chance to actually be something-something war hero-winner something-something not always a let down. Looking at the bigger picture, McCain is a pathetic product of the MIC. War is all he is about and he is terrible at it.
John McCain, serial failure.

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Something like that would have to be adjusted every so often as average life expectancy increases. 75 years old today is not the same as 75 years old 30 years ago or even 15 years ago. And admittedly some 80 year olds are in better shape physically than others (my great grandmother lived into her 90s and was still pretty capable even in her last years).

I like the term limits idea better. It’s not good to have anyone, regardless of age, stay in Congress for too long. They become too entrenched, too devoted to the club they belong to rather than the people who sent them there. I say 6 two-year terms for Reps and two 6-year terms for Senators; both equal 12 years.

Byrd stayed and so will this old coot

Two words: Strom Thurmond.

McCain would be 86 at the end of another term. Some people could run the marathon at 86. McCain has seemed pretty old for a dozen years.

Palin ought to politely jump in and start spewing some words around that might cause McCain to lurch from his pro-Palin platform.
McCain palling around with Palin would make for messy headlines. May they both spend eternity together.

Arizona is probably more overmedicated than Florida these days. Anything could happen.

What difference does it make? One jerk for another jerk=status quo.

How narrow does one’s mind have to be to compete?

Go for it!!

Senile sam needs to be kicked to the curb!! Talk about being beyond his shelf date!

I’ll vote for you in the primary schweikert! But only in the primary. Anything to get rid of worthless jony mcdrool.

Your plan sounds good with manadatory term limits. The problem is it will never happen because Congress is not going to vote against their own selfish interests.
They “might” go for an upper age limit because most of them would believe it doesn’t concern them because they are a long way from the upper age limit. I think if the age were 80, age wouldn’t need to be moved according to life expectancy. Even in good health a person really should spend their last years finding something better to do with their time. Of course, if you got into age limits than the fight would be over the appropriate age and accusations of age discrimination.

There isn’t a lot of physical effort involved in the job. Aides do most of the heavy paper lifting. Sitting at a desk, going to the Senate Chamber to cast a vote. Hob nobbing in the hall with other Senators. Schmoozing on the Talk shows on Sunday. Strom Thurmond did it from a wheel chair. At 100. It is possible therefore that Gramps could hang around another 20 years. Not that I would want him to, you understand…
I retired at 65 and I find it quite agreeable. McCain should look into it.

The problem with term limits is that it pretty much slaughters small states with three or four members of Congress. You’ll have New York, California, Texas and Florida pretty much ruling the entire country. The only thing that keeps Vermont, North Dakota and states like those from being pretty much gutted and laid out for dinner is a lack of term limits. This is why small states are absolutely and vehemently opposed to any kind of term limit.

Of course, in large states like California, you don’t really get to meet your Congressional delegation. I’ve met Sanders and Welsh. I haven’t met Leahy yet. I use to live in Georgia, and I can tell you that I never once even set eyes on Jack Kingston, Saxby Chambliss or even Max Clealand. In small states like ours, we know our representation pretty well and if they stray too far off of what we as a state support, we vote them out. That hasn’t happened in a long time because most of them know when to get the heck out of the job when they screw up or have gone too far without necessarily screwing up (Jim Jeffords quit after switching parties, for instance; Howard Dean quit the Governor’s mansion after civil unions and expanding healthcare; Jim Douglas quit the Governor’s mansion after same-sex marriage; if Peter Schumlin has any brains, he’ll not run again.)

The problem is that people don’t really pay attention to what their Congressional delegation does in large states and aren’t willing to either pull them back in line or kick them out- and that goes for the Governorship and state assemblies as well.

Term limits is, basically, a roughshod method of trying to correct voter apathy, and it really won’t work. If we kick Boehner out of Congress on term limits, his replacement is going to be just the same kind of politician. Until people actually pay attention and vote with intelligence rather than listening to Koch fueled ad campaigns, things like term limits won’t matter at all, and will pretty much destroy small states.