Discussion: Rep. Pete King Says College Students Protesting Trump's Win Are 'Morons' (AUDIO)

May you have to watch ‘Mrs Miniver’ in a loop. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hey Rep. King you know who makes out like a bandit when people protest—cops. Cops get overtime for working protests. They also get to show off their really cool ex-military equipment.

And the Republican Party fought against Roosevelt every step of the way. Wendell Wilkie, proud isolationist, was there candidate. So Repubs have no dibs on heroics related to WWII. They were, as now, afraid.


If there were any justice or even common sense in the world, imbeciles like King would never hold elected office. On the other hand, any of the protestors who didn’t vote or voted third party are indeed morons, and have nothing to complain about, because those idiots got exactly what they wanted – a Trump presidency.

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Oh man, give a me a time machine. Greer Garson would miss three days of film shooting…

That quote would make a great campaign ad (targeted to millennials) for 2018.

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A perfect example of Projection.

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Aye, there’s the rub. GOPers have a very different working definition. In their lexicon “peaceably” is limited to assemblies that support their viewpoint. All opposition is de facto not peaceable and therefor not entitled to Constitutional protection.


Unless we take over a wildlife sanctuary, guess we don’t have no stinking rights to protest. That 1st amendment is so quaint, ain’t it? Hey, Dems in Congress, give them an inch and you’ll be toast.


Rep. King is right. Look at these morons!
Oh, wait a minute…

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Shorter King: Everyone must love our White Government or risk going to Jail.


Petie, Petie, Petie, who are the morons here? The people protesting the election of a misogynistic, race-baiting, ignorant, lying hypocrite who encouraged physical violence against people who disagreed with him, and who says in act, in deed, in appointments, that he is going to undermine and destroy this democratic republic and visit suffering and misery upon the citizens not only of the United States but the world? Or are the morons the upright citizens who voted Trump into office, who look at that flaming disaster of a human and actually believe he is going to save them, going to save the country (from what… oh, right, from the nigger who lives in the White House… yeah, that’s what all those dim bulbs are thinking). And are the morons the Republican office holders who agree with him and are kissing his fat ass now? C’mon Petie, you know the answer - you didn’t reach the pinnacle of your career as a ranking piece of shit by being stupid… oh, wait.

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By golly…there’s an idea!

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I hope those “morons” take his advice to buck up and focus on getting him out of office. Do the country some real good starting with his defeat.

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Those who have spent a life-time in service to their country understand that it is not only every citizens right to protest their government, it is their responsibility. That is what freedom means and what democracy requires. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who thinks protestors are morons or just goons and thugs needs to just STFU. I invite Rep King or (former) mayor Giuliani to join me for a face-to-face discussion on the roles and responsibilities of citizenship. They clearly missed that part of 7th grade civics.


…and he should know “morons,” he looks at one in the mirror every day and has done so for over 50 years.

Just what type of “protests” do you think would be going on today if the ourcome of the election had been reversed. What would the gun toting Trumpets be doing if Hillary had won the Electoral Collage vote and Trump had won the popular vote? I am quite sure there would have been killings by now.

I don’t think you can say that about them categorically. Depends on whether they voted and, specifically, whether they voted for Hillary. If you didn’t vote for her and now you’re protesting, yeah, moron.


Coming to a neighborhood near you. Soon.

what a moran

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My son and his schoolmates cut class to protest yesterday. I was proud of him. Fuck you, King.

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