Too crazy for Pete King? Too crazy for Hulsted? Too crazy for McCain?
SCOTUS baby! Trump, Trump, Trump!
“dead people generally vote for Democrats rather than Republicans.”
Dead people have time to reflect upon facts and form reasonable choices.
“But I do think there’s a lot to what he’s saying, whether it’s conscious or not, of having people in the so-called establishment, whatever that is, the big money people, the media, the political leaders, they are petrified of the thought of Trump being elected. So they consciously and unconsciously just do everything they can."
Um, yeah, as long as it’s legal we all do what we can to ensure our “side” wins.
But that’s not rigging and not what Trump is claiming is happening.
See, Democrats are even powerful after death.
Peter King - stopped calendar, once a year
Actually King is a relatively non-wingnut Republican – relatively. Not to be confused with Steven King.
I don’t mix them up. As I recall he is quite crazy on the subject of terrorists in the US—right?
people still do the Imus show?
"The press. Let’s be clear on one thing, the corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism.”
I’ll accept Trump’s premise but I reach a modified conclusion, i.e., They’re a political special interest business enterprise, no different than (sic) any lobbyist or any other financial entity free market business with a total political profit agenda.
I know right? Speaking of dead people…
Thank goodness for some relevant Republicans (i.e. those who hold office, are running for reelection, or directly in control of some aspect of the machinery) pushing back on Trump’s ridiculous and dangerous claim.
I think he has been associated with the IRA, so he is quite keen on terrorism, I guess.
Pete King and sanity in the same sentence. Who’da thunk?
Trump knows he has had millions in free advertising but i guess it only counts when it kisses his ass.
Hey doofus- its “rigged” because the Dems and Clinton have been working their asses off for years and you are too lazy. Of course.
no both Kings are technically the same (refer to his Eric Garner response), its just that Peter doesn’t wear his craziness 24-7.
I still want to know how it is that the combined national poll has Hillary only 3 points ahead of DT, after all that has happened. How in the world has she lost five points over the weekend
no the elction isn’t rigged in the dmocratic’s favor … cause we have been doing our dammdest to rig it in our favor…like we did in 2000 amnd 2004
Except for Rasmussen, none of the polls have a small margin. I also am mystified. Did they use Paul Ryan math or something?
Go to the Princeton Election Consortium and take a deep breath.