Discussion for article #231418
But the stuff he and guys like Billo or Mr. Potato Head say on Fox? That doesn’t make people do shit, so we’re not to blame.
Do we thank god for them choking a man to death too?
When will Peter King be prosecuted for his enablement of the terrorist IRA in Ireland?
Obviously the source of any and all race relations problems lies squarely with the guy with mixed race parents and the guy with the mixed race family.
King is poop.
I give his bid for the GOP nomination in 2016 all of 3 months before it peters out. He’s gonna ride the fail-train to Failville like a champ.
“suggesting that recent encouragement of peaceful protest led to the shooting of two police officers in Brooklyn on Saturday.” They don’t remember that we are a society founded on the principle of peaceful protest??? These are the same guys promoting second amendment rights as sacred regardless of how many needless gun deaths we have. They contradict themselves in their insane attempt to blame the President for everything bad that occurs.
If more of the people politicians like King offends actually came out to vote, there would not be people like King in the position he is in in the first place. The dialogue would then start with “How do we more effectively provide law enforcement?”
“Say that the police have done more to save minority lives than anyone in this country,” he added.
Seems to be an underlying theme among right ringers that Black people should be grateful for the police even if they are unfairly targeted and killed by them.
Much like the argument that Black people should be thankful that they were bought here from Africa, enslaved, stripped of rights and equality, stripped of their language, treated worse than dogs.
Police are there to serve ALL people regardless of race and the fact that King goes there and tries to suggest they are bending over backwards to help minorities is not only bullshit, it’s also demeaning.
Oh and King’s rhetoric pointing blame at the president and the mayor is not helping. In fact it fuels the fire and he should know better.
Reflexive racist GOP BULLSHIT. Wormy pricks like King just can’t fucking help themselves in priming and teeing up more of the hate.
I’ll be shocked if he makes it past the pre-game show.
He also said it was time for Obama and de Blasio to begin praising police.
I don’t remember them ever denigrating police, but acknowledging the sad fact that as a person of color, you are aware and made aware that sometimes you’ll be treated differently. Very often by people in power. What I’d like to see is the police officers acknowledging that just like with all humans, some of their counterparts are assholes. I can do it with black people, I can do it with women. It doesn’t reflect on me as a whole, but I’m not going to ignore the jerks and pretend they don’t exist.
ODS…when is there going to be a drug to counter this nation destroying disease…
“PeaCEFuL PROTEst” BLACK sLANG coDE for KILL POLice EXEcutioN-STYL. BLaCK VioLENce ENcOURAGEd BY BLACK NOBama BASIcalLY NObama KILLS polICE. NExt PResIDEnt sHOULD trY Nobama FOR war CRIMEs!1!!!one!1!!!
Keep in mind, these are the same people who think employees should be thankful for a job that doesn’t support their basic needs or the basic needs of their families and, on occasion, have been known to say things like “you’re a hypocrite for complaining about that and then criticizing slavery…at least they were fed and housed and given clothing”…then go on to act like the black community is a bunch of ingrates because Lincoln was a Republican and yet they vote for Dems.
IF POLice DIDn’t TArget BLACKS then HOW can THEY arrest CRIMINALS? Libtard “Logic” escaPEs me.
“Whatever was right or wrong about Staten Island, it was wrong for the mayor and the President to imply that somehow this involved race, that this was part of some endemic racism in the police department and society,” King said.
Have you noticed that when these kinds of allegations are made, they are never accompanied by quoting specific language of di Blasio or Obama? Why do you think that is?
I know it’s a gag, Ghost, but many people apparently don’t, and you just end up adding to the hateful noise. Sometimes, when it gets really ugly, you need to tone it down.
But it is okay to encourage asshat Tea Partiers like Cliven “Ted” Bundy to take up arms against law enforcement officers because it’s all about freedumb.
If peaceful protests lead to the shooting of two cops, that sure sounds like a long-winded way of saying 'shut up, vote for me and blame the ni(CLANG!)," doesn’t it?
This from the side of our political spectrum with a major group that named itself after an event where rioters seized thousands of pounds of privately owned goods and destroyed them.