Discussion: Rep. King Suggests Ted Cruz And Scott Walker Won Iowa Freedom Summit

Discussion for article #232588

Sounds to me like a 1990’s Children’s Self-Esteem Parade where everyone gets a “WINNER!” ribbon. Yay, everybody!!

King will call the summit The Iowa Freedom T-Ball Olympics of Awesomeness!! next time.


so a couple of nut cases won a pool taken by another bunch of nut cases …that ought to make them sleep much much better…lol


Its not even that. King has to say nice things about Cruz, because Cruz appeals to the same voters that keep King in office.

And he sees Walker as the one with the best chances of winning of those that attended. So he wants to seem supportive there.

Personally, I would love to hear the private comments King made about this event. I bet he was spitting nails at Bush and Romney because of them skipping it, it turned the whole event into a summit of nobodies.


‘Won’ it??

There was a game of cribbage going on?


Like trees falling in the forest.

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I thought Ted Cruz was born in Canada, and if so, how is he qualified to run for president?

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Did Cruz or Walker have the best butter sculpture?

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Everyone gets an attendance award along with commemorative trucknuts: a miniature cantaloupe with a severed hog testicle.


WOW. That’s kind of like the Koch Brothers buying a lottery ticket and winning a $889M shit sandwich.

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Mr. King is sadly mistaken. There was only one true winner at the Iowa Freedumb Summit: the caterer.

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He is not sure ? Counting is hard…

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Just in case you weren’t aware of King’s heroic service in the military, during the late 60’s!
Here it is!


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Not so sure dominating the Teabangelical race to the bottom could be classified as “winning”…

Won what?