Discussion: Rep. John Lewis Says Trump Is Not ‘A Legitimate President’


Not sure when his interview was given, but a lot of the Democratic Congress folk were royally pissed at Comey when they came out of the closed hearing this afternoon.


THANK YOU, Rep. Lewis. You are doing a service to the public for stating the obvious, without apology.


Trump: Rep. John Lewis, Under rated civil rights activist. SAD


If the interview was by Chuck Todd, it wasn’t a legitimate interview either.


I admire Lewis, but would like him to have a more effective answer ready for a statement like that. At the very least, mention the absurdity of Clinton getting 3 million more votes than Trump and not getting elected. Then mention Trump’s incredible unpopularity (record-low approval for a president elect). Mention a few other negatives, especially those that would not be popular with the people who voted for him. After that, you make the claim that he only got elected due to outsiders manipulating the election in his favor.


“I don’t see this President-elect as a legitimate president,” he said.

Neither do many of us Rep. Lewis. As Democratic and citizen leaders emerge against Trump, Bannon, the GOP and their followers, Rep. Lewis is one of the people I’ll be following to resist the takeover of this country.


I’d like to hear the words “Constitutional crisis” uttered frequently—not just in reference to Trump, but also in terms of the extremely undemocratic representation of the public in Congress. Democrats are overwhelmingly favored by the public votes, but they have nothing.


Amen, Brother Lewis.


Bravo, Rep. Lewis, speaking from his conscience, as always. As for “legitimate”? I’lll let this man explain…

Well, then,
Legitimate Edgar, I must have your land:
Our father’s love is to the bastard Edmund
As to the legitimate: fine word–legitimate!
Well, my legitimate, if this letter speed,
And my invention thrive, Edmund the base
Shall top the legitimate. I grow; I prosper:
Now, gods, stand up for bastards!

King Lear, Act I, sc. 2


Yeah, just looking at his statements yesterday, it is clear that he sees the constitutionally mandated Presidential Oath as nothing more that the opening bid as he negotiates what the duties and responsibilities of his job are going to be. He is basically saying that he is willing to “… preserve, protect & defend the … United States…” unless it would cost him money.

It should be apparent that he is going to take this about as seriously as he did his marriage vows.


Yeah, the history books need to put a Giant * Next to Trump’s name.


Go on, Trumpy boy. Attack a hero of the Civil Rights movement–a man who has literally suffered water cannons, police batons, and snarling hounds in the pursuit of justice. I dare you. I double dare you.


Trump is illegitimate, illegal and unethical. He’s tainted, corrupt and unstable. A disgrace and a danger to our nation.


Not now. Not ever.


I won’t be happy until there is a big, fat red (or yellow, I guess…) “X” over his name


How does Arizona list Evan Mecham? That ought to be a good guide for record keepers.

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I admire this hero and patriot. But how is this possibly helpful? What would it possibly gain? All it does is give the right an opportunity to say “you claimed we delegitimized Pres. Obama, you are hypocrites!”

And they’d be correct. At the end of the day, what does it matter that Russia put out fake news and propaganda? The American people voted (albeit not a majority) for Trump anyway! If the American people are so stupid as to believe everything they read on facebook, they deserve what they got.

Is it absolutely soul crushing for those of us that didn’t vote for Trump? Yep. But that doesn’t make him any less powerful, doesn’t give him any less authority, it only gives him more reasons to Tweet and rile up his dirtbag base.

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The right wing spend 8 years delegitimizing Obama for no reason.

The left needs to spend the next 4 delegitimizing Trump for all the real reasons, and show true backbone doing so.



Trump had help from Comey, Putin and still lost the popular vote by almost 3 million. It is hard for me to consider him legitimate .I think of Trump’s term as The Putin Presidency