I am delighted to see that 538’s “Polls Plus” forecast has Masto’s chances of winning NV at 61.3%
It would be a great disappointment to see Harry’s seat go to Heck
Another mealy-mouthed Republican trying to dance around the mess and have it both ways.
“But he has got to change his tone”
This bullshit makes me angry. So, even if Trump “changes his tone” but still thinks and believes all the heinous bullshit he believes, that will make it acceptable to Republicans like Joe Heck. Forget him sexually assaulting all these women, because changing his tone will make it acceptable. Fuck him and the whole, cowardly GOP. These people are pathetic.
Remember that Heck is saying this in the context of a fundraiser: “Give me all your money now or kiss your tax cuts goodbye!”
“We never thought that the House was in jeopardy, that we could lose 30 seats in the House,” Heck said.
I certainly hope he is right! An even bigger GOP loss would be a first-rate outcome!
They got into this desperately hopeful habit of thinking the famous “pivot” would come, because they assumed Trump is a rational actor. He’s not. He’s said and done scores of absolutely unprecedentedly appalling things. He’s got seriously fatal scandals chained to him already and god only knows what’s to come. And there’s three weeks to go. A tone change isn’t gonna get it done.
– I don’t want to make him into a politician or make him into the same thing he is running against
Enough with this absurd framing.
Trump is a racist, misogynist, religious bigot, who’s guilty of sexual assault and repulsive behavior. This has nothing to do with being a “politician”, and everything to do with being a kind, caring, compassionate human being…which, obviously, he’s not.
Yes, it could happen… It could very well be the case that the very definition of ‘likely voter’ is turned on its head this time and the preliminary polls have just developed too may unknowns to be have any predictive power. I would think that the emotional fuel that in past elections that actually propelled and motivated the ‘christian right’ to the polls will this time act as a force field that keeps them from having to confront the choice with no good outcomes. They have to know that even if they take him at his word that the conversation on the tape is ‘locker room talk’ that it still makes him a pervert. Yet, the entire timeline that is their life and their self image in their community would prevent them from voting for Hillary… The path of least resistance (and the lack of a GOP ground game) is going to dictate that they stay home on election day.
The rest of us will just vote straight democratic
What would you call the GOP losing 30 House seats?
A good start.
At the very least, if I have to go with my own conscience to make this
right, I am going to vote for Michael Pence as vice president
Voting for Trump, pretending it is a vote for Pence.
Solid as wet toilet paper, he is.
“At the very least, if I have to go with my own conscience to make this right, I am going to vote for Michael Pence as vice president,” he told the audience at the fundraiser.
So he is saying he is still voting for Trump, but tries to frame it in such a way that it isn’t immediately obvious that is what he is saying and that apparently is “voting his conscience.” Chicken-shit.
I hope for two things.
I hope first that Congresscritter Heck is prophetic in his prediction that the GOtP loses 30 seats. My second hope is that Congresscritter Heck is unemployed in January 2017.
Good to know. Few weeks ago, she was a sure shot to lose.
God, what a weasel he is.
Referring to Hillary as a “thing” is more than disrespectful, its purpose demeaning.
Exactly. He can’t vote for Pence and not vote for Drumpf. It is a combined ticket and any 6th grader would know that. Which speaks volumes about his audience.
“He’s been a horrible human being for 70 years, but if he ‘changes his tone’ for the next twenty days, I’ll vote for him.”
Why do so many of these guys look like they came straight from Central Casting to fill the role of “Mengele’s Eager Assistant”?
Normally when I see that silhouette, Calvin is peeing on something on the other mud flap.