Hunter infamously chucked his wife under the bus when he spoke on the indictment during a Fox News interview last year, claiming that she was the one who handled his finances.
Did they check for tire marks?
Is there a comprehensive list of all the Republicans that have been charged with crimes like this since Fat Nixon took his hand off the bible?
Including ethic violations for cabinet members it could be quite impressive.
I wonder if that’s a recent photo of Rep. Hunter. He’s unshaven, hair a little greasy, looking tired and stressed. No longer so smug and punchable! And where’s his vaping pen?
If I had to guess, I’d say that Duncan’s sleeping on the couch in his office, reliving the good old days when he used to be in the military and shoot civilians!
Womp womp!! Thoughts and prayers!
“Flights for the GOP lawmaker’s pet rabbit?” Good. God. Almighty! We’ve sunk this low??
It’s her turn to throw the cheating bum thief out of the house and under the bus. Family Values bitches!
Hell hath no fury…
setting up the possibility that she could be cooperating with investigators
Possibility? I suspect that’s a certainty at this point. I doubt very much she wants to go to jail with three kids at home.
Naw. He’s still punchable. Always was, always will be.
Politics is like a rotting, putrid pile of road kill on a Texas highway in mid-summer. It attracts the vilest vermin and stinks up the whole area. Cretins like Hunter are attracted to politics precisely because it’s a haven for human vermin, crooks, liars, cheats, grifters and con men. (I know, there are a few good ones, but not many).
Interesting. She (and he) had spousal immunity, but are choosing not to use it.
You mean like his daddy?
Hmmm, is she turning on her sleazy husband, as we all can hope, or is she willingly taking the fall for both of their sleaziness, to help him retain his seat?
Ah yes the gop, party of Personally (it’s you’re) Responsibility.
They are remarkably bad fliers on their own, especially, the lop-eared ones.
I hope Margaret has decided to boil him like a bunny.
The 4th of July family picnic is going to be ugly.
“Hunter infamously chucked his wife under the bus when he spoke on the indictment during a Fox News interview last year…”
I’ll bet she shouts Devin Nunes’ name during intimacy.
Not sure about her. I’ll bet Duncan does, however.
Duty, Honor, Country doesn’t mean anything to you Congressman does it?
“She was also the campaign manager. So whatever she did, that will be looked at, too, I’m sure,” Hunter said. “But I didn’t do it.”
He seems nice…